GoFundMe: DeCastro Shoots Blanks (Again)

For all his bravado, for all of his never-ending words, for all of his boasts, boosts, self-congratulatory statements, egotistical comments and drama, Jose “Chille” DeCastro couldn’t raise a dime in GoFundMe money on Sunday.

We won the day again with a $10.00 donation from our hate watcher. They may hate us to the point of forcing us to write this column every day, but they consistently do the one thing that DeCastro can’t seem to find anyone to do: they donate.

It’s been said before, it’ll be said again, DeCastro has 598,000 subscribers. Think about that, that’s more than half a million subscribers in total. He gets almost twice as many subscribers as we have in total subscribers every day. Even if most were fake, there’s got to be one person, one person in the bunch to throw money at him.

But he’s making mad money from trifold and five a cop cards, yo! That’s where he’s getting the REAL money!

No, he’s not.

Come back to Earth. Watch a DeCastro show and see how many sales he does. Real full priced sales. You can usually count them on one hand. Sure, he gives away Trifolds and cop cards, sure he says he’s making mad money from YouTube and he’s “rolling in dough,” but is he?

At this point, he’s giving away more trifolds and cop cards than anything else. Just going by observed numbers during a regular extended live stream, he’s pulling in $100.00 or less. He gets more from SuperChats and memberships than anyone else and that’s only when his “big doners” find his chat and have something left over to give him.

He’s living in his studio. The difference between a homeless person and DeCastro at this point is that his landlord really doesn’t care if he squats in his studio as long as the rent is paid every month. DeCastro is a nice enough guy to talk to, if you avoid his trigger words, but the moment the rent goes south, he’s out of there.

We’re not even getting into debt. His studio in downtown Las Vegas costs money. His van payment costs money. He has to eat; he has a gym membership and food for his dog Charlie. Add in whatever he spends a month for recreational stimulants (allegedly), hair product, eating, gas, and that total takes a good portion of the money he’s making from YouTube each month.

That’s before the money for all of his lawsuits.

We haven’t heard about his federal civil lawsuit against Las Vegas in a while because he can’t afford the $100,000.00 he needs for the lawyer he wants. He can’t even afford to put a retainer down at this point. The money isn’t there.

It’s been four days since he had a donation for the fund for that lawyer. Two weeks since a donation for his “Lawyer Fund Only” to “support other activists.” Ten days for his other “help people fund” got a donation and two months since he got a donation to go towards the lawyer he needs for his next criminal case.

Add in the $1,600.00 and $4,950.00 he’s been ordered to pay Michael “Blue Bacon” Pierattini and the $28,500.00 he still owes on Press with Rancor’s legal debts and there’s a serious problem.

Also, the startling fact that he’s not pretty anymore and he’s about to hit 50. He no longer dates and rarely leaves the studio, so he is worthless hooking up his old “sugar daddies” with women or seeking a good time.

He might consider offering himself as a substitute, but he’s scared away all of the older women who have taken an interest in him (except Gloria!) and would probably provide him a good life to play his little games of being Governor out and pretend to be a success.

There are path forwards for DeCastro, there are ways where he can find a way out of the rut he’s in, but not until he faces hard truths and not until he finds a reliable source of income that doesn’t hold his future on a quick score from a federal civil rights lawsuit that will take at least five years to get go away money.

We won the day again. Yay. Let’s watch and see what Chille does tomorrow to turn things around.

On that note, if you’d like to join our hate watcher in making me point out the same thing I’ve been pointing out for months now and forcing me to continue to write this column each morning, we do have a GoFundMe of our own (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org.

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