GoFundMe: DeCastro Desperate for Funding

First, our good news (for us anyway), our on-going expenses fund took the day for two more wins this week with a pair of $10.00 donations from our mysterious benefactor who has yet to provide a list of demands; the bad news, of course is… the market stinks right now.

We’ve harped on it before, and we’ll probably harp on it again: There’s no life here. We’ve taken a peek at the numbers for the month (which we’ll recap tomorrow), and nearly everything is down or at zero levels for the month.

Admittedly, we’re alive because of our hate watcher who wants to punish us by writing this column each day. Without him/her/they/them, we’d probably have backed off on things entirely as it’s hard to find support from someone as dedicated to torturing us every day.

There should be concern though. The market doesn’t live in isolation. We’ve shown time and time again that those that run the crowd sourcing campaigns never bother to properly promote their campaigns and… we’ve come to a big one as an example of that.

Jose “Chille” DeCastro went live Friday night with a regular live stream that quickly focused on his new product lines including his brand new “Team DLZ” rubber bracelets that he promised would be on sale on his website on Saturday.

DeCastro justified his new focus on merchandise as YouTube was apparently demonetizing and age restricting his channel after showing acts of violence by police in the videos he reviews on the channel.

He complained loudly that some of the violent events were tame compared to some of the UFC fights you can watch on the service. Angered, he said that the merchandise sales will now make up for the revenue he’s losing from the constant demonetization of his videos by the service.

DeCastro seemed desperate for cash as he announced his rubber bracelet product, the first of many he said he’ll be making available to his users in the future. He, for whatever reason, has stopped being a constant pitchman for his 5A cop card and trifold products, which makes one wonder how well he’ll be pitching these new products.

Also of note is his very limited actual viewer base. He has around 100-200 actual devout followers out of his 615,000 subscribers. That leaves the possibility of 100-200 sales per product, with no prospects of long-term sales as his appeal to the general public is worse than ours.

One would think that he would ask for help. He had previously made a little over $50,000.00 from his followers to help with lawsuits that never came to fruition. It is not out of the realm of possibility that he could open up an on-going expenses fund, should it come to it, for his fans to support his monthly expenses much like we do.

It’s a matter of swallowing pride and admitting you need help, and let’s face it, with so many things going on in his world, Chille needs all the help he can get.

On that note, if you’d like to help ME out as I’m a two-time loser who can’t support himself, err, who is solely dedicated to bringing you the news each day who by supporting brings you the added bonus of forcing me to keep writing this dreadful column each day, we do have a GoFundMe of our own (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org.

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