Floyd Wallace Rage Quits Over Lack of Donations

Floyd Wallace ended his Sunday livestream the same way he typically ends his livestreams these days, with a failure to make any money and a rage quit after his chat was being mean to him again.

We do say again as this is the strangest pattern. Wallace, who runs two successful clips channels on YouTube, only interacts with fans on his “Foreign Only” channel, which is also the channel he uses to ask his fans for money to fund his extensive travel sex tourism schedule.

Lately, Wallace has essentially burned out his followers with continued promises that “things will be better if you donate” to whatever destination that he thought would make his life better. In typical fashion, once he reaches the destination, he ends up lying in bed whining about his predicament as the change in location changed nothing about his situation.

His latest predicament is that he can’t find sex in Bogota, Colombia. He had promised his fans that he had “chicks lined up” in Bogota that he’d feature on his channel if they donated towards his ticket to Bogota and his Airbnb.

That was a few days before Christmas, and by Christmas, Floyd had gathered around $1.00 in donations towards the sex tour, and he ended up paying for his ticket out of the $2,000.00 or so he said he earned from YouTube each month.

He arrived in Bogota and… went silent for almost a week. While his regular commentors had been mean to him lately and he had banned nearly anyone from his chat who wouldn’t contribute through super chats, PayPal, or CashApp, when Floyd has a “sure thing” lined up in a country, he usually does a livestream to brag about it.

He went live on Saturday and ended up rage quitting and making that stream private before we could review it. Sunday’s stream was apparently more of the same as he wanted to raise $50.00 to leave for Brazil immediately.

Wallace was bitter and angry because he went out with a black woman in Bogota, not his “sure thing,” but a new object of his desire and she refused to sexually gratify him on the date. The woman said she’d need to get to know him, and it’d be up to two to three weeks of dates before she’d do anything with him.

This enraged him, as she also asked for 462,000 Colombian pesos (roughly $105.05 in United States currency) to help with her sick son. Between the request and the lack of sex, not only did Wallace swear off the woman, but he also swore off Bogota, for now anyway.

Wallace refused to turn his video on for the livestream and responded angerly when his remaining moderators (who pay for the “privilege” of being a moderator each month), questioned what was different between Wallace lying in bed at home and whining about life and Wallace lying in bed in Bogota and whining about life.

Again, promising that things would be different in Brazil, Wallace said that his Tinder account was “exploding” and that he had dates lined up if only his fans would contribute $50.00 towards his Brazil trip. He ended up making $2.00 on the livestream.

The rage quit was more like an inevitable sigh, as another livestream ended abruptly, and he removed it from view of the public.

Wallace is expected to live stream from the airport should he buy a ticket out of his own pocket to go to Brazil. We’ll report on it if we catch the livestream.

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One Response

  1. There is only one question to be answered: does Wallace ever leave his streams in any other way than in a rage because he is not getting enough cash? This is not a extra, it is a feature. Same old, same old.
    The only real answer would be: Yawn.

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