Floyd Wallace Needs Your Donations (Again)

YouTuber Floyd Wallace returned to Medellin, Colombia, on Tuesday, where he reinvigorated his sex drive by hooking up with a date before returning to livestream Thursday night to ask his fans for their help…again.

This time, Wallace was seeking $150.00 to pay off his fees involved in his probation for a Texas conviction earlier in the year. Wallace took a plea deal for a traffic incident that resulted in unsupervised probation. He’s been seeking help paying off he fines involved in the original incident then the probation for the past several months and assured his fans that he would be able to return to a life of sex tourism.

Thursday’s livestream involved Wallace explaining that he couldn’t stay as long as he wanted to in Colombia as he still had to abide by the rules of probation. He had previously explained that he had to return to the United States every 21 days but could quickly return to sex tourism as long as he checked in on day 21.

He also explained that he chose to leave the United States to return to sex tourism before paying off his probation as he expected further help with the fine from his fans. He accepted the criticism that his expenditures for the flight and the AirBnB could have made a dent in his probation fees but explained that he took the risk of traveling to better the life of his fans.

Wallace has long contended that his sex tourism is “educational” as he provides travel tips for those interested in the “Passport Bro” sex tourism lifestyle. He then repeated a tip that he insists on sexual activity of some sort before taking a girl out so if the plans go sour, he’ll have already been sexually gratified, so the actual date itself did not matter.

The YouTuber seemed soured by the fact that his fans were complaining about the “quality” of a previous date he had filmed earlier in the day. It consisted of Wallace taking a date to Kentucky Fried Chicken and sitting in relative silence as the pair ate, Again, as Wallace explained, the date did not matter as he had already had a sexual encounter with the woman on camera.

Wallace complained that he was on a $2,500.00 budget while on his current trip. He then laughed as he explained his date wanted money for sex, but he refused to pay her, saying the meal was a payment. This triggered her and she quickly ended the date after the meal.

The YouTuber was unsuccessful in raising the $150.00 by the end of his livestream.

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