After nearly 20 livestreams since Friday, Floyd Wallace’s extended quest for money to fix his car ended on Monday as he received the final $60 donations in order to end the never-ending quest for other people’s money.
Wallace claims that his vehicle broke down on the way to the shop last Thursday night as he was about to move to Nebraska to live with his cousin. His cousin, a felon who is not on probation, is taking in her fellow felon, Wallace, who is on probation out of Oklahoma for a single charge of obstructing an officer that he did time for earlier in the month.
The YouTuber didn’t see anything wrong with two felons living together, as his cousin had a job lined up for him in either a meat packing plant or at the UPS warehouse. Like every other aspect of the case, Wallace’s story changed about his future employment opportunities as the meat packing plant job was replaced with the UPS store story over the weekend.
What didn’t change was the broken axel on Wallace’s car. While no one saw it actually towed to the repair shop, which was his original destination, and he did not live stream while he was stranded on the side of the road, there was obviously something wrong with it as the front wheels were facing different directions.
How much Wallace needed fluctuated wildly over the marathon weekend sessions. Wallace got paid by YouTube (as all creators did) on Friday and pondered putting all of his money into the car repairs to supplement that of what he made from doing marathon begging sessions.
Eventually, he settled on paying half of the bill himself and the other half of the bill through the $600.00 he claimed to have raised over the weekend. To get that $600.00 he spent countless hours using every trick in his arsenal to get people to hand over money.
This included gaslighting, crying, begging, bragging, demanding and plain old guilt tripping. He traded physical acts for donations at one point, huffing and puffing through pushups, trading favors for “loans” to be paid in double “next week.” Wallace was a master pickup artist at times as he seduced his audience into giving him small amounts of money for hours on end.
Even Wallace’s pickup dates changed wildly. The car going from “done” one day and all he had to do was pay for it, to not being done until “Tuesday” to his not picking it up until “Friday” as he’d pay “part of the bill” on Tuesday then let the rest go until Friday.
The hours were also spent with his fans hearing classic Wallace-isms, as he repeated that he wouldn’t go for “fat” women, all American women “looked like men” to him, a woman “disrespects” a man if she doesn’t give him sex before the first date, and, of course, his denials of being attracted to younger women.
Wallace rage-quit often on the livestreams as trolls outnumbered his fans more often than not. Some of his fans became trolls at one point, as one long time community member took advantage of one of Wallace’s deals not to ban anyone, savagely accusing Wallace of having intimate relations with underage women. Wallace angerly denied the accusations.
If things play out as advertised, Wallace will make the drive to Omaha, Nebraska, late in the week where he’ll go to work for either the meat packing plant or the UPS warehouse. He plans on working for six months and putting up a GoFundMe to raise at least $10,000.00 for a trip to Asia in the fall.
Wallace dreamily stated that he needed to “get me some Asian” and “Asian was the new Caucasian” as motivation for his future travel plans.