Floyd Wallace Demands Fans Pay for Activities

The former “Mr. Passport Bro” Floyd Wallace went live on his “Foreign Only” YouTube channel early Tuesday morning to announce that he was sticking to his pledge not to feature anything exciting on his livestreams as his viewers did not deserve excitement until they started donating to his cause.

Wallace announced that his fans had until December 6 to come up with the $170.00 he needed for his “Brazil Trip” or else he would need to postpone it for later in the month. He complained bitterly that he was “broke” and that his fans were not financially supporting him on the level that he needed to do things like “Roomba” dancing and motorcycling.

The YouTuber premiered the first of his blogs on Monday that he claims are a replacement for his livestreams. That video featured Wallace’s date with an underage looking girl, who barely interacted with him in the 15-30 second clips he featured of the girl. She took him to two meals on a motorcycle before giving him a hug at the end of the date.

Wallace explained on the livestream that the girl refused to sexually gratify him before their date as he thought “she was on her period.” His interest in the girl waned over the course of the date as he filmed himself trying to pick up a cook at the second restaurant the pair visited. He claims that he has no intention of following up on her with another date.

The sex tourist has received harsh criticism from his side chat for approaching and attempting to date girls who appear younger than 18 years of age. Wallace has also announced that due to criticism of his Spanish by those same viewers, he will be using a translation application on his phone to help approach women while on his sex tours.

After a question from his audience, Wallace made controversial remarks about trans people. He wondered if a trans person could regrow their private parts after having gender reassignment surgery. Then said he would turn someone over to the police for “rape” if they revealed that they were trans after having sexual intercourse with him and not disclosing that fact first.

More controversy followed as Wallace, who frequents “pay to play” services, said he’d never date a “professional” even if she gave up her job as a sex worker. Wallace disparaged sex workers and that women were “smart” for “selling themselves” for sex but he would never consider having a relationship with a sex worker.

Wallace returned to complaining about his fans and a lack of donations from his fans and said he’d go to a strip club for a $500.00 donation but would not film it because of the possibility of a community guidelines strike due to nudity.

The YouTuber was lazy in his approach to those donations, forgetting to give out his CashApp, PayPal or GoFundMe during the livestream. He relied on super chats throughout the event, making $37.00 for his efforts on the stream.

Wallace reminded his moderators that dues payments for moderation tools were currently due and it was $10.00 for basic moderation tools and $25.00 for moderation manager tools. He is expected to livestream again on Tuesday.

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