Dozens of “Independent Journalists” Support Leroy Truth in New Jersey

A little over two dozen “independent journalists” from around the nation gathered in Union City, New Jersey, to attend a gathering at the Union City City Hall in support of auditor Leonard “Leroy Truth” Filipowski, who was arrested at a city council meeting last month in the city.

Filipowski claims to be facing eight charges related to his ejection from the meeting last month as he used his public speaking time to make personal attacks on members of the council and mayor Brian Stack.

The “independent journalist” was arrested after violating guidelines including one that require public speakers to stand behind a podium when addressing the city council. Filipowski was pacing back in forth in the general area of the podium while insulting the council and threatening to give some sort of award to the mayor.

According to, this appeared on a city social media page in response to the arrest of Filipowski:

“Attention Union City residents and concerned citizens this is the truth about Brian Stack.
Public rabble-rouser and litigious gadfly Leonard Filipowski AKA Leroy Truth and Lexington Maximus, has been spreading false claims of corruption, misconduct, and assault against Mayor Brian Stack and other officials. Filipowski, who thrives on confrontation and abusive tactics, has been using his well-placed cameras to agitate individuals and provoke reactions for his own twisted entertainment. Let’s set the record straight – Brian Stack has been a dedicated crusader for the people of Union City and beyond.

From his early days as a tenant advocate to establishing the Brian P. Stack Civic Association, he has tirelessly worked to improve the lives of those he represents. As Mayor of Union City since 2000, Stack has focused on quality of life issues and has made himself readily available to citizens, even publicizing his cell phone number and establishing a “mobile office” at various locations. The allegations made by Filipowski are baseless and harmful, not only to the individuals targeted but also to the community as a whole.

The intimidation tactics and threats employed by Filipowski are not only irresponsible but also border on domestic terrorism. We must stand up against such reckless behavior and support our dedicated public officials like Brian Stack who are truly working for the betterment of our city.”

Filipowski’s gathering of “independent journalists” saw the journalists run through the halls of the city hall, overwhelming police resources and entering areas deemed off limits to the public. “Independent journalist” James “James Freeman” Springer reported that an auditor named Sean of the Guerrilla Publishing news outlet was arrested for trespassing at the event. Springer would then organize a group of “independent journalists” to verbally insult the arresting officer as he was writing Sean’s citation.

Attempts to organize the gathering of “independent journalists” to cover Filipowski’s press conference outside of the city hall were briefly successful as approximately twenty-five of the “journalists” were gathered as he began speaking. Large portions of the group wandered away moments later, as the “independent journalists” “Investigated” other buildings in the general area and came into conflict with residents of those buildings.

Nearly every notable “independent journalist” in the mid-west and east coast attended the event, with widely known “journalists” such as SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes, Josh “Accountability for All” Abrams and James “James Freeman” Springer rubbing shoulders with lesser known auditors such as Taco Terry and the Angry Vet.

Conspicuous by his absence was Jose “Chille” DeCastro, who had been promoting the idea of a “union” of “independent journalists” under his direct control that would gather for such events and perform “investigations” funded by dues directly paid to him.

DeCastro claimed that he had a “dentist appointment” and was “working out” as he delayed his Tuesday afternoon live stream, which was apparently scheduled as counter programming to the live streams in support of Filipowski’s event.

James Springer’s livestream alone drew over 1,000 live viewers, while DeCastro’s three-hour long event peaked at 370 live viewers well after Filipowski’s event ended.

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