Dollarhide Surprise Transfer May Spoil Wallace Jail Time

YouTuber Floyd Wallace’s weekend journey to the Cleveland County, Oklahoma, detention center apparently came to an end of Tuesday as he livestreamed from outside the Cleveland County Courthouse where he was preparing to meet his attorney.

Wallace had been on an epic journey via Greyhound that started in Columbus, Ohio, Saturday night and continued to St. Louis, Missouri, after the bus reportedly broke down and he missed his connecting bus to Oklahoma.

Streaming from the St. Louis Gateway Transportation Center for about an hour on Sunday, Wallace meandered through the facility while attempting to hide where he was. His plan had been to meet his attorney on Monday in Oklahoma and turn himself in.

The YouTuber signed out from his livestream with a promise to return later in the evening as soon as he reached Oklahoma and effectively went dark until Tuesday afternoon.

Wallace was not listed in the Cleveland County inmate list and had no explanation for his whereabouts since Sunday or why he did not stick to his plan to meet his attorney on Monday.

Wallace made brief comments while waiting for his lawyer outside of the courthouse. He said that his GRD was acting up and he was terrified of going to jail. He said that under the original plan, he’d only be in jail for 10-14 days out of his 30-day sentence with time off for good behavior.

When pressed about encountering Jason Dollarhide, whose wife Heather accused Wallace of sexual assault in 2023 and was currently housed in Oklahoma’s State Penitentiary, Wallace seemed cool and said he’d deal with it.

The YouTuber briefly pretended to audit police cars parked outside of the courthouse and stated that when he returned to auditing, he’d do it “smarter.” He then said he wasn’t going to travel overseas for at least six months after getting out of jail, then said goodbye to his fans and ended the livestream.

Wallace’s recent namechecking of Jose “Chille” DeCastro has done nothing to spur the market as DeCastro’s multiple GoFundMe campaigns have made no money since he reopened them last month.

The market was blank for the fourth straight day on Tuesday, as no donations were observed to any of the campaigns we follow.

Update: While jokes were made that Jason Dollarhide was in the same system as Wallace and the two may have an encounter, as of Tuesday morning, Dollarhide was listed as being housed in the state penitentiary.

This changed by Tuesday afternoon as Dollarhide was now being held on charges of Obstructing and Officer and Assault on a police officer. Both with arrest dates of March 4, 2025. It is unclear if these are new charges or if Dollarhide has been temporarily transferred to the jail due to overcrowding at the prison.

This is a breaking news story.


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