Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova announced the abandonment of his main “Denver Metro Audits 1.0” YouTube channel Sunday night as he again claimed that he was changing focus to his “Denver Metro Audits 2.0” channel.
The announcement comes less than a week after Cordova threatened the move after complaining about a content strike that would not clear from his main channel until at least January 5, 2025.
Cordova says he received the content strike after featuring a video blurb that advertised the coverage of a topless women’s march in the Denver area that received a warning from YouTube, which was followed by a full content strike when he released the full video.
While not demonetized with the content strike, Cordova has complained that he was “shadow banned” by YouTube following the content strike. He stated that YouTube has denied that they “shadow ban” anyone, but he followed it up by showing that his channel’s metrics had fallen sharply since the content strike.
The YouTuber also took no blame for his own actions that may be hurting his metrics as Cordova routinely sets livestreams to “private” status immediately after ending each stream. Those tuning in late to his coverage of breaking news are routinely cut off in mid-stream as Cordova privates the material, resulting in lost views and watch hours.
Cordova deemed that videos that bring in under 14,000 views ($98.00 total at YouTube’s current estimated rate per 1,000 views), were below him and not worth the time and effort put into making the videos.
Even a recent YouTube short, which he claimed went viral, did not bring in enough money to justify its existence, according to Cordova.
The YouTuber directed all of his viewers to move to his “Denver Metro Audits 2.0” channel, which is not currently monetized, for all new releases in the future. However, Cordova could not explain how he’d make money off of those releases as again, the channel has yet to achieve monetization on YouTube.
Cordova pondered this, stating that he has enough subscribers to qualify but implied he didn’t have enough watch hours yet, and backtracked as he implored his viewers to keep their memberships active on the non-dying “Denver Metro Audits 1.0” channel until such time as his secondary channel gains the ability to offer memberships.
Cordova will not be deleting his “Denver Metro Audits 1.0” at this time and will apparently keep it active enough to maintain watch hours and monetization in the future.
What else need be said other then what was just said to show that they are only in this for the money. Just the cash please. They have no value or commitment to free speech, the first amendment or anything else, except money.