Direct D to Face Federal Cyberstalking Charges?

Christoper “Direct D” Ruff briefly went live on his YouTube channel Monday evening to address possible federal “cyberstalking” charges that may be brought against him by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on behalf of Maricopa County, Arizona, county attorney Rachel Mitchell.

Ruff claimed that he had a report from attorney Vladimir Gagic that Mitchell and fiancée Paul Stout had filed a complaint about Ruff to the FBI. The report supposedly was about Ruff releasing a video on Twitter/X featuring the song “Bodies” by Drowning Pool that shows Mitchell’s face and the signatures of Mitchell and Stout.

The YouTuber claimed that he was a journalist and that his video was a normal part of his journalistic practices. He explained that everything in the video, from the signatures of Mitchell and Trout to their signatures were public information and scoffed at the idea that the video itself could be seen as a threat.

Ruff spent a great deal of time correcting the report that Mitchell was reporting him to the FBI for his activities on YouTube, when he clearly posted the video on Twitter/X. Ruff exclaimed that Twitter/X’s lax policies on copywritten material meant that he could post videos featuring music on the service instead of on YouTube. Ruff then played a snippet of the video on his YouTube stream.

The Phoenix New Times reported that Stout recently saw an injunction against Gagic upheld by the Maricopa County Superior Court. That article confirmed a long-standing social media feud between the men, in which Stout admitted using “burner” accounts on Twitter/X to attack Gagic and other people who criticized his fiancée online.

Gagic is famous for a 2018 in Phoenix incident where he was attacked by his own client in court. That client punched him in the mouth after Gagic reportedly ignored the client during a court hearing. Gagic was later suspended from his role as a contract attorney for the county.

Mitchell recently filed a complaint to the Arizona State Bar Association against Gagic for his comments about her online. Ruff has pledged to defend Gagic with his “undivided attention.”

Ruff is currently claiming to be on a road trip to Indiana and Kentucky with friend Freedom Jim as he sat outside a trailer smoking during the livestream. Rumors have circulated that the purpose of the trip is for Ruff to “mess with” Christopher “For Public Safety” Reiter as part of the on-going dispute between the YouTubers.

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