Direct D, LIA Dramas Revive GoFundMe Market?

Monday’s GoFundMe market was abuzz with unusual activity based on separate on-going dramas involving Christopher “Direct D” Ruff finding out he was on probation without being notified he was on probation and multiple incidents involving SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes.

Ruff won the day with a $100.00 donation from a supporter after multiple streams based on his discovery that he was on probation in the state of Arizona in 2023 without agreeing to the probation.

He wrote on Twitter:

“The Superior Court in Arizona broke the law and put me on probation illegally to get a win in 2023 and avoid a lawsuit.

The problem is I never agreed to probation nor signed paperwork agreeing to it. (For those that don’t know, probation is contractual and requires you to sign and agree.)

Recently it was brought to my attention that I now have a warrant for this imaginary probation I am NOT on, shocker.

It would appear the state inadvertently set themselves up for a lawsuit by illegally putting me on probation and issuing warrants for my arrest.

Good job dumb fucks.

Stay tuned as this evolves.”

Ruff’s announcement of the same information on his YouTube channel, along with his critique of a YouTube video questioning the legitimacy of his news brought him enough attention to turn a $100.00 profit from his GoFundMe campaign.

Turning to Reyes, Marc Stout announced on Sunday that he was awarded summary judgment over Reyes in their on-going dispute over a 2022 incident that resulted in Stout suing Reyes for unlawful entry and trespassing on his property when Reyes, claiming to be a process server, attempted to serve Stout with a lawsuit.

Stout was awarded $5,000.00 as part of the decision by the court against Reyes.

Reyes ignored Sout’s announcement to go live demanding the Judge in his bench trial set for this morning recuse herself in his case where he was arrested for filming within the Schenectady, New York, city hall.

Interestingly, Reyes originally stated that he was in the Schenectady city hall to interview the mayor of the city, Gary McCarthy, he has since changed his statement to indicate that he was there to record police officers in compliance with New York’s various “Right to Record” laws that allow recording of police officers.

A standing executive order by the mayor prohibited filming in the building. Reyes went into the city hall after pre-announcing his arrest and directing his fans GoFundMe to fund his legal defense before the arrest.

Reyes announced that he will be motioning for the recusal of Judge Teneka Frost for refusing to hear Reyes’ previous motion to examine the executive order. While Reyes indicated that he was not personally attacking the Judge, he said she could not be fair as Mayor McCarthy appointed Judge Frost to her position in 2018.

The YouTuber stressed that Frost could be sentencing him to jail and taking him away from his two small children at Tuesday’s hearing, apparently appealing to the heart strings of his followers.

Reyes claimed that he is facing either a fine of $250.00 and 15 days in jail or the fine and time served.

The drama brought an unexpected donation to Reyes’ Unlawful Arrest & Constitutional Rights campaign of $5.00, which was enough to take second for the day in the GoFundMe race.


Despite the GoFundMe Market being dead, this publication is funded by your donations along with what little we make from our YouTube channel per month. While we did achieve “full monetization” on YouTube we still need help to get through monthly expenses and keeping the lights on to bring you the paper and the newscast each day.

If you can afford it, please consider donating to the GoFundMe run by this very channel ( All proceeds literally go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on If you can’t afford to contribute, please WATCH THE ADS on our videos, like, share, subscribe and comment. You CAN help by doing next to nothing and we thank you in advance for pitching in!

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