Denver Metro Audits Picks Up More Records Requests

For what felt like the 10,000th time, YouTuber Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova live streamed as he went to pick up a records request from Jefferson County, Colorado which he claims is for his upcoming documentary about his 16 days of incarceration.

Cordova was incarcerated for 15 days in federal prison last year after being found guilty of essentially ignoring signage and recording in a restricted area at a Social Security Administration building back in 2022.

We’ve written about it before, it was the incident where he was insulting Jose “Chille” DeCastro behind DeCastro’s back, DeCastro caught on to it, and DeCastro pulled a Bugs Bunnyesque prank where they’d both step through the threshold to enter the area that police said was off limits and DeCastro stepped back as Cordova went forward.

It was probably the one time we’ve ever cheered for something DeCastro has done, but that’s digressing.

Cordova was again there to pick up more footage for his big new project: a documentary about himself sitting in prison for 16 days. He’s yet to really open up to the horrors that he faced while he was in the big house for such a long stay, other than the mattresses sucked and you couldn’t steal a second mattress without being punished by the guards.

He did threaten, at one point, to sue the federal government over the extra day he served as it was awful to stay 16 days when he was scheduled for 15. But nothing of the sort happened on this video.

Instead, he wandered into the facility, told the woman behind the glass partition that he was there to pick up documents. She asked for his identification. He freely handed it over. She gave him a thumb drive. He asked her name. She gave it to him. And that was essentially the video.

He did add a minute or two of walking out and complaining how nice everyone has been to him in this process. He said they were probably trained or had meetings on how to handle him, as “everyone knows” what he is up to.

At some point he commented on the snow and how it wasn’t too bad to drive in.

He also claimed that the “shadow ban” was over and he was dropping “banger” videos over on his main channel. In at least one of the videos, he said he talked to a police officer and that video is worth at least 100,000 views to achieve that “banger” status.

His beard is graying more and more each video. For a 40+ year old who dresses like an extra from a RUN DMC video from 1989… there really wasn’t much here to report on. But at least it wasn’t Regan Benson? Or a repost of his old videos where he would scream that someone was “doxing” him by using his first or last name, which he is currently uploading to his Denver Metro Audits 2.0 channel, folks.

We’ll continue to report on Cordova in case anything interesting happens in his world. Don’t hold your breath on anything happening this month, ya’ll. Fo shizzle.

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