DeleteLawZ’s Very Last GoFundMe Round Up

Fans were stunned on Monday as Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced that he was shutting down his long running GoFundMe campaigns devoted to funding his both his legal defense against criminal cases and his move to sue various police forces and judges in pending civil cases.

DeCastro originally intended that his GoFundMe campaigns were to help other auditors and people in need. While he did have a campaign devoted to helping himself after he was arrested in March of 2023, his campaigns were mainly altruistic. He even managed Garrett “Press with Rancor” Van Nett’s GoFundMe for the auditor as he fought felony charges.

Things changed when DeCastro was convicted of obstructing an officer and interfering in a traffic stop from that March 2023 arrest. All the money raised by all of DeCastro’s personal campaigns (excluding Press with Rancor) went to funding his own legal defenses and to providing him with commissary donations while he spent four months in jail.

DeCastro would later open a new GoFundMe campaign devoted to suing the Judge who convicted him of the charges after he was released from jail and controversially acquitted of the Las Vegas charges.

A promise was made to all of DeCastro’s fans that if they donated to that specific GoFundMe and he received a large settlement from the State of Nevada, he would personally throw a party in Las Vegas for them in the amount he raised for the GoFundMe campaign.

After raising roughly $4,000.00 in a short amount of time, his campaign fizzled. His fans were not interested in providing him with $100,000.00 for the lawsuit, and he quickly forgot about his plans and his GoFundMe campaign as he could not find an attorney who would take his case against a sitting Nevada judge.

DeCastro’s most recent live streams alluded to the fact that he has returned to making a “good living” off of his trifold and 5a Cop card sales and no longer needed to crowd source to fund his on-going needs for legal representation.

He is also focused on his website, which he again has promised will be up “in the next day or two” that will apparently offer paid subscriptions to his over 600,000 YouTube subscribers. DeCastro making it clear that his website will be the new home to his curated videos instead of his YouTube channel.

DeCastro’s suspended GoFundMe campaigns can be reopened at any time.

His Justice for All: Legal Battle for Accountability stands at $4,687 out of a $100,000.00 goal.

The Lawyer Fund Only – All Dollars Go to Lawyers campaign stands at $20,952 out of a $25,000.00 goal.

DeCastro’s Legal Aid Fund, Donation Fund, Help People Fund stands at $27,040 out of a $35,000.00 goal.

Finally, his Legal Defense Fund Crime Scen Tape Illegal Arrest Fund stands at $2,465.00 out of a $30,000.00 goal.

Overall, DeCastro has raised $55,135.00 in GoFundMe earnings over the past year.

DeCastro’s decision to suspend his campaigns did nothing to spur the market, as our own on-going expenses campaign took in $60.00 for the day and the Help Christopher Ruff (Direct D) Clear His Name! fund took in $25.00.

On that note, if you’d like to keep an award seeking writer above the red tides of financial ruin, we’d be remiss if we didn’t remind you that you can continue to force the hard-working professional blogger and known pillar of the community Jim Finch to keep writing this dreadful column each day by contributing to the GoFundMe run by this very channel ( All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on

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As expected, SeanPaul “Long Island Audits” Reyes late launch of his latest “unlawful arrest” fund took propelled him to the top spot for the overall GoFundMe crown for September, pulling in an impressive $4,221.00 for his Support Freedom Stand Against Tyranny Together Campaign.

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