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DeleteLawZ Pivots, Rebrand to Launch Monday?

All wasn’t well with Jose “Chille” DeCastro on his Friday night live stream as the YouTuber announced that due to continued interference from YouTube, he would be launching his new First Amendment Auditor channel “on Monday.”

No one is sure which Monday DeCastro was referring to, or if he knew that Monday was just two days away, as most of his long-time followers know that he is temporally challenged at best, but he stood firm to “Monday, if not sooner” as his launch date for the new endeavor.

DeCastro has stated that a rebrand from “DeleteLawz” to “First Amendment Auditor” is required as he’s been censored to death by YouTube’s polices and that the “shadow banning” is keeping him from reaching his full 230,000 subscribers.

He has also attempted to trademark the term “First Amendment Auditor” and has previously stated his desire to unite all first amendment auditors in the United States under his control, forcing them to be part of an organization where they would have to pay him dues as a money-making organization.

Why he’s rebranding when he literally just launched a DeleteLawz Patreon and a paid Team DLZ website is beyond anyone, but the activist seems hell bent on moving forward with the rebrand or how things will change when he starts from “square one” on the exact same video service that he has accused of censoring, banning and holding back his ideas in the past.

DeCastro has a long history with YouTube, as he’s been denied a YouTube creator’s plaques in the past for reaching member milestones due to channel suspensions and controversy surrounding his alleged use of outside sources to gain subscribers and views.

Both DeCastro and former business partner Collin “Project Constitution” Campbell have denied any outside purchases, but mysteries remain how DeCastro can achieve such high numbers of subscribers while his live stream attendance and viewership never change.

The Friday night live stream pulled in $72.00 in super chats, with more money coming in via membership gifting.

He also announced that the proposed $4.99 base price point on was now a $5.99 price point and should be up immediately as a sign up option for his users.

DeCastro provided no updates on the status of Craig Hendry, an imprisoned first amendment auditor from Indiana who appeared on his last live stream but said that he would be following up on the status of Dawn Newman, another jailed individual he is said to be helping.

As part of that help, (thank you Ed H), DeCastro spent time on “Guns & Hoses” basketball post made on the Facebook page for the Ogden, Utah, Police Department. DeCastro threatened the department with a lawsuit should any messages at all go missing, as DeCastro has now determined it is illegal for police departments to remove posts on social media.

Again, why he picked to threaten anyone on a “Guns & Hoses Basketball Tournament” in an area vaguely associated with Newman is all on DeCastro, but he wrote:

“OPD is a scumbag, Pig Shack in Ogden, UT. What you guys have done to Dawn Newman, to James Walt English, as well as Jose from Utah CopWatch… one day will be avenged through the proper legal remedies. — Let me tell you what I’ll promise you scumbags.

I read this, “The OPD FB page is to share pertinent information. If you post profanity, discriminatory content, or derogatory language, your post may be hidden or removed.” – That’s Incorrect. You may do that and I’ll hold you accountable if you do.

I’ll be monitoring this FB page. And if you REMOVE or HIDE a Single Comment, that’s when you guys will get to meet me when I’m serving the lawsuit. See: Hawaii Defense Foundation v. City and County of Honolulu. You remove or hide a SINGLE Comment. And, I’ll sue you.

What a suck-ass, scumbag Pig Shack in Ogden. When I show up to small town, people come out in the hundred to meet me and tell me their stories.

I’ll be promoting my Trip to Ogden on this publicly Pig Shack Page. I’mna take a screenshot of this comment and I’ll be back tomorrow and every day to check on my comments and others. Tomorrow, other people will start commenting.

IF anybody reading this has had their comment removed or hidden, Please contact me. – I’m looking fwd to suing these filthy pigs. If you leave a truthful comment for these dirty pigs- you must SCREENSHOT it, for proof. And then, we’ll sue their asses.

To the Odgen Pigs running this page; You cannot delete or hide my comments or anybody else’s. That’s NOT how it works. And, I’ll be happy to take the cities money if you do.”

We will continue to monitor his threats as he continues to monitor the police department’s participation in the basketball tournament.

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