DeleteLawZ Blames WNN’s Daniel Jones for Hack (Updated)

Jose “Chille” DeCastro appeared on John Filax’s livestream Monday night where he directly blamed the loss of his YouTube channel on former business partner Collin Campbell and then said that Daniel Jones of the Welsh News Network was claiming responsibility for the hack.

After Filax indicated that Christoper “Direct D” Ruff said that Campbell had distributed an e-mail containing DeCastro’s login information to “hundreds” of people, DeCastro showed an image of a Discord message between an unknown user and Jones of WNN, that read:

“Today at 10:52PM

Hey did you really do the chille porn bomb??? That was fucking EPIC”

May 7, 2024

Welsh News Network Today at 11:04PM

Ya Mate. I have an insider who sent me the YouTube logins. He makes a lot btw. Anyway logged in and just dropped the nasty business when I saw he was offline. Did the same thing the next day. Easy peasy.”

Observers were quick to point out that the message was dated May, though Jones and DeCastro have had a long history of conflict that would make Jones a prime suspect in the hacking.

The Welsh News Network channel was one of the few that survived DeCastro’s great copyright crackdown of late 2022, where he filed nearly 200 false copyright strikes against such channels as Team Skeptic, Irish Demon, Glober Mom and Uncle Arty. Most of the channels were at least temporarily removed or suspended by YouTube during the purge but were later restored by the company.

Following the crackdown, WNN emerged as a thorn in DeCastro’s side for the next year and a half, doing near nightly reaction livestreams to any material DeCastro put out. On two occasions, WNN was demonetized by YouTube which Jones blamed on brigading and mass copyright claim incidents lead by DeCastro.

ReallyCoolNews worked in association with WNN and owner/reporter Jim Finch appeared on WNN broadcasts until the channel essentially dissolved in May of 2024 after the entire cast quit following Irish Demon and WNN cast member Shuggy’s revelations that Jones was committing stolen valor and had lied about his entire background.

Jones recently announced he was reviving the channel later this year, without the involvement of his former castmates.

Following implicating Jones and Campbell in the hack, no mention was made of DeCastro’s own involvement in demonetizing and having other channels taken down. Filax attacked those who carried out DeCastro’s attack, calling them cowards for destroying another creator’s livelihood.

Questions remain however as the public seems convinced that DeCastro is the prime suspect in carrying out the attack on his own channel. DeCastro split with Campbell over a year ago in a vicious and nasty feud between the men that resulted in Campbell seeking a protection order against DeCastro.

Observers questioned why DeCastro didn’t implement the very basics of security measures last year after the split. DeCastro either displayed complete ineptitude or sheer naiveté as the passwords and the Streamyard keys that he claimed Jones and Campbell used to hack his account were still the same after all this time.

DeCastro himself has benefitted from the hack, as his main YouTube channel had gained 2,000 new subscribers the day before it was taken down. The channel itself had been flat in subscriber growth and viewing hours since late August and the hack itself seemed to revive interest in his channel.

With DeCastro’s announcement on Tuesday morning that he may be getting his main channel back, it remains to be seen if DeCastro can prove his allegations against Jones and Campbell.

This is a developing news story.

Update: Daniel Jones sent the folowing e-mail to our gmail account denying any involvement with Campbell.

WNN YouTube
Tue 11/26/2024 4:06 PM
I don’t use discord nor have I for approx. 6 months. Nor am I involved with Colin.
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