DeleteLawz Admits Huge Financial Peril if Game Fails

In a bizarre video partially pre-recorded on Sunday night after the big game, then followed by an additional live edition Monday morning, Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced that he would be financially insolvent should his “Constitutional Law Scholar” game fail to sell.

DeCastro admitted that he was spending all of his time attempting to complete the game, and was now “soft” because he had not been working out or training in recent weeks due to his commitment to the game.

He also indicated that ChatGPT informed him that “Constitutional Law Scholar” was not a commercially viable name in the games marketplace, and that he was using it as a placeholder for the “real” name of the game.

While going through random TikTok videos of police behaving badly on the first portion of the broadcast, DeCastro said he recorded multiple phone calls harassing police officers as his “JD” character and would eventually be releasing the phone calls as stand-alone videos on his main YouTube channel.

He didn’t address his recent setbacks in court, where he may have another $5,000.00 in sanctions in his lawsuit against Michael “Blue Bacon” Pierattini, who he is suing for millions in California Superior Court.

Pierattini is currently asking the Judge in that case to again sanction DeCastro, who already hasn’t paid nearly multiple previous financial sanctions, for refusing to take part in the discovery process and/or taking part but providing nonsensical answers to discovery questions.

The next hearing in that case is set for February 21, 2025.

DeCastro admitted that he was an “entrepreneur” and was taking a tremendous risk by investing all of his money in the board game. He admitted that he would be “out on the street” if it did not sell.

The YouTuber caused a bit of controversy as he showed how he was using ChatGPT to generate playing cards and trading material for the game. Under current United States law, the United States Copyright office does not allow copyright of content created by machines.

This will more than likely prove problematic for DeCastro as he’s indicated that he’s generated all of the material for his game using artificial intelligence.

DeCastro then interrupted his own pre-recording of his livestream with live segment reacting to the taped content. The jarring sight of DeCastro “live” on screen reacting to and complimenting a pre-recorded DeCastro from hours earlier confused some audience members.

The newly live DeCastro announced that he had been “fucked up” in jail last year and implied that he had seen people getting killed while in the Clark County, Nevada, Detention Center. He would not provide specifics on what he went through but indicated that he went through PTSD akin to someone “coming back from war” and would eventually reveal all in his lawsuit against the State of Nevada.

DeCastro’s previous story about his PTSD was that he got it from having his rectum examined multiple times while in the same facility by large groups of people. He detailed the nightmares he had been having due to the examination, but again claimed that he was “cured” two days after Thanksgiving.

The YouTuber, perhaps taking a hint from the recently jailed Michael “Fraudit Wrangler” Kiser, went into an extended “role call” of all of the commenters in his side chat, taking time to single out those who he had seen over on his TeamDLZ website.

He singled out a user by the name of “Chuck P’ For being especially helpful. He indicated that Chuck P was one of his main helpers with the “Constitutional Law Scholar” game and was taking some of the stress off of him. DeCastro has missed both his Christmas deadline and his early 2025 deadline for the release of the game.

Turning to crowd sourcing news, the market has been dead for both Monday and Tuesday, with goose eggs everywhere. However, there is news to share as DeCastro has apparently reopened three of his four official GoFundMe campaigns.

DeCastro had ended donations for all of his GoFundMe campaigns back in September. Up until this week, all of the campaigns had been frozen and all carried the disclaimer, “the organizer has currently disabled new donations to this fundraiser.”

Currently, his Legal Aid Fund, Donation Fund, Help People Fund campaign, his LAWYER FUND ONLY – ALL DOLLARS GO TO LAWYERS campaign and his Justice for All: Legal Battle for Accountability campaign are all actively available to take donations. His Legal Defense Fund Crime Scene Tape Illegal Arrest campaign remains inactive.

Update: DeCastro has not officially announced his re-entry into the crowd sourcing market as of yet. As of Wednesday morning, no new donations have been made to his campaigns.


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One Response

  1. “He also indicated that ChatGPT informed him that “Constitutional Law Scholar” was not a commercially viable name in the games marketplace, and that he was using it as a placeholder for the “real” name of the game.”

    I checked POS by chilli is also not viable. But then there is no truth in advertising.

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