Delete LawZ Doxes Himself, Rumor Mill Rampant

The highlight of Sunday afternoon’s livestream put on by Delete LawZ Jose “Chille” DeCastro came when the self-professed world’s greatest auditor held up an envelope to show off a knife that wasn’t a knife and was just a mail opener and exposed his mailing address to the 200 or so people watching at the time.

Naturally, screen captures were made and soon after the address in Los Angeles was identified as an address DeCastro has used as a shooting location in previous videos. It also is reported to be the address in L.A. where DeCastro occasionally stays where he broadcasts from what looks like a dedicated computer server room.

Soon after, DeCastro’s former partner, Collin “Project Constitution” Campbell let it be known that DeCastro occasionally worked at a food truck when he was low on money. This led to the supposed identification of the food truck as a popular food truck in the Los Angeles area.

No one can confirm or deny that DeCastro actually takes shifts at the food truck, but Discord servers were ablaze with the identification of the truck as the place to find DeCastro now that most everything he’s built up to in the past year has fallen through.

DeCastro’s new mailing address also seems to confirm the rumors of a falling out between DeCastro and former money man David Condon. Condon previously provided both financial assistance and a mailing address for DeCastro when DeCastro was living in California.

Now that DeCastro is over 50 years old, unattractive, out of shape, and failing in his life choices, his role as a “sugar baby” to any “sugar daddy” is limited as he’s no longer able to procure women as readily as he could when he was in his 30’s.

That said, DeCastro held a standard live stream on Sunday where he went after immigrants and police officers. He sported an unusual spot of makeup on his nose, that he did not address for the three hour and 40-minute broadcast, making himself look a bit like an off-duty Rudolf the flesh toned cocaine dealer.

DeCastro eventually proclaimed himself “not a racist” while stating that a black man was stupid for expecting to be treated properly by the police. He then said he used to joke about being a racist with his friends, but realized that in this day and age people take things too seriously to joke about the subject.

The YouTuber reportedly made $85.00 in superchats in the nearly 4-hour broadcast.

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