DeCastro’s Charlie Makes Miracle Recovery

On a day when Jose “Chille” DeCastro was set to be deposed in his California Superior lawsuit against Kate Peter, Team Skeptic, Daniel Clement and Michael “Blue Bacon” Pierattini, DeCastro live streamed claiming to have just had emergency dental surgery.

It is unclear if DeCastro appeared for his deposition, which was set by the court in a July 30, 2024 ruling, and after DeCastro had been sanctioned for missing a previous deposition, but DeCastro had announced that he had broken a tooth on Tuesday night’s broadcast and that his dog Charlie was deathly ill and soon may lose his spleen in surgery.

Wednesday’s broadcast showcased DeCastro speaking slowly, to the point where 2x speed playback on YouTube was needed to bring him to his “normal” voice, coughing and drooling on camera as he dealt with the after effects of oral surgery. He claimed that he would be in the same condition “for a week” and apologized for his voice sounding below par.

DeCastro spent the night pitching his 5A Cop Card product, which he had previously declared as a loss leader, filling up his storage shelves with thousands of excess cards as he was unable to move them.

In his new pitch, the 5A Cop Card, if used retroactively through time, was pitched at protecting you from intrusive police questioning when you invoke your first amendment rights as a journalist and your fifth amendment rights to remain silent in such situations as creeping around a public facility, driving 122MPH in a 55PMH zone because you were running out of gas, and when your temporary tag came up with a warrant in a police system.

DeCastro played corresponding videos featuring all three situations during his pitch for the product, promising “massive deals” to anyone who wanted 10 or more 5A Cop Cards and strangely, losing focus and saying that he gives out more cop cards than are purchased and that he’d provide anyone with a card if they could not afford one.

Towards the end of the broadcast, DeCastro was thanking his fans for their generous super chats when he announced that Charlie the dog was doing “fine” and was making a miraculous recovery after being treated through medication for the problem with his “pancreas.”

The YouTuber, who previously claimed Charlie was deathly ill with “spleen” issues, now insisted that Charlie would not need surgery on his pancreas as he was responding to medication and was expected to make a full recovery.

DeCastro also announced that he was no longer personally shipping products from his website, despite previous claims that he would personally ship everything, and that those with shipping issues should contact his DLZClips email address.

The YouTuber, despite dental issues, is expected to stream again tonight.

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Five Dollars. That’s it. Five Dollars to Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova by a single donor gave him the GoFundMe win for Sunday to give him an overall win for the Friday-Sunday period with an outstanding win.

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