DeCastro Takes Care of Family Matters

Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced on his Friday night stream that he has been busy with family matters and new projects while recovering from dental surgery that may pull him away from live streaming in the immediate future.

Problems with his teeth have dominated his life since getting out of jail in July. He had broken a tooth while in jail, which he used as one of his reasons for not to immediately going live after being released. He had the tooth fixed post-jail but has broken it twice in the past month.

He claimed had to have emergency oral surgery on Wednesday to fix the tooth but would be speaking abnormally until later this week when he’d have the second half of the dental procedure.

Coincidentally, his sudden dental emergency came on a day he was set to be deposed in his lawsuit against Kate Peter, Team Skeptic, Daniel Clement and Michael “Blue Bacon” Pierattini, which he has not mentioned during his broadcasts.

DeCastro problems continued as he attended a cousin’s funeral on Friday “crying his eyes out” because the unnamed cousin was the same age as he was. The former actor didn’t seem to let the death of his relative impact his critiques of police as he continued to play anti-police videos with the same vigor as normal.

He expressed that he had a lot of family time in the past few weeks as he went to Alaska “two weeks ago” for his brother’s wedding. This more than likely corresponded with his complaints about those close to him not agreeing with his anti-police viewpoints.

The YouTuber also announced that he had “really cool things going on” and that he had a “super progressive” project coming out that would be “revolutionary.” He said he couldn’t talk about it now, but it would be out to amaze his friends by Christmas.

He also updated the status of Charlie the Dog, who had a near death experience over the past week. DeCastro had announced that Charlie may lose his spleen early in the week, later changing it to his pancreas, with increasing levels of near-death until after the day DeCastro was set for a deposition had passed, when he made a full recovery.

DeCastro skipped broadcasting on Saturday but is expected to go live on Sunday.

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Five Dollars. That’s it. Five Dollars to Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova by a single donor gave him the GoFundMe win for Sunday to give him an overall win for the Friday-Sunday period with an outstanding win.

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