DeCastro Searches for Police Outreach

Jose “Chille” DeCastro returned to the hard streets of Las Vegas late Thursday night local time as he again approached a group of police officers to question them on his personal thoughts on replacing the use of handcuffs with “digital detainment.”

DeCastro approached the officers as they were finishing up a traffic stop, interjecting himself into their conversation and then meekly waiting for permission to ask his questions of the officers before interjecting further.

His passive stance now a trademark as he “pretends” to “lick the boots of law enforcement,” DeCastro recently explained that he must be more controlled in his interactions with the police as he was prone to arrest. If arrested, a judge could now see that he was a perfect gentleman in his interactions with police and not hold his previous bad behavior against him.

DeCastro slightly diverted from his planned good behavior as he told the assembled officers that he thought that the majority of police were “demons” and even though he encountered one “good” guard during his recent incarceration, by and large he found that the guards were evil and atrocious individuals.

The YouTuber pitched his ideas about digital detainment to the police officers, this time saying that, for example, if they came across a domestic violence incident, the suspect in the case could agree to come along without the use of handcuffs.

When asked if the suspect didn’t agree to that or used violence against the police, DeCastro stated that they could simply shoot the suspect in the head as some people deserved to die.

The officers, like most of the officers DeCastro approached over the past week, politely then excused themselves and drove off without further engagement.

DeCastro then spoke directly to his viewers, standing alone on a darkened street corner in Las Vegas, arm fully extended away from his head to give the perspective that he was much taller than he is (and a little less ragged), proclaiming that when he runs “for politics” he will change the system from within.

He then ended the livestream and returned to lurking in the darkness of Las Vegas, in search of further Police officers to educate on his new system of “Rights Protectors.”

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