DeCastro Risks Everything on Product No One Wants

The brief absence of Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s from his near daily three-hour anti-police broadcasts has been both a blessing and a curse to those stuck indoors at the start of February, as DeCastro has apparently turned his focus to producing materials for this Constitutional Law Scholar game leaving his fans without a hero and his foes without someone to relentlessly mock.

Last weekend, DeCastro declared that “from this point forward” he would be ending his hugely popular string of lectures on the evil mean and nasty police force and what he’d do to change things. He promised that he’d be focusing on the exclusive nature of his Constitutional Law Scholar teachings, and everyone would be even MORE entertained by his unhinged teaching style.

Then he held two or three more anti-police livestreams for good measure because yeah, no more means no more unless the “pigs” are really really oinky and there’s bucks to be made.

He apparently needed those bucks as DeCastro announced in late January that the minimum order for the print shop to commit to print his “Trivial Pursuit for the 2020’s” is 10,000 units.

We are reminded of the thousands and thousands of unwanted 5A Cop Cards that DeCastro has been stuck with over the past two years. Along with the batch that contained a simple misspelling that he didn’t bother to catch before printing, costing him even more money.

Also still in memory are the batch of “indestructible” trifolds with the numerous misspellings, typos, lack of logic and “chillisms” that would never hold up in court. But that’s digressing.

DeCastro is about to sink his nest egg into a product that has not been play tested, that is a thousand times more complex than the 5A Cop cards and frankly, may make or break the inventor of the “Jock Sock.” Viewers in the ReallyCoolNews Discord server were able to note significant misspellings in just the 40-foot-board that DeCastro claims is a piece of the game.

There were more bad signs by mid-week when he attempted to actually teach a video lesson for Constitutional Law Scholar. His fans tuned out in droves as his actual teaching in the weakest part of DeCastro’s persona.

Most of his facts were easily disprovable with a simple Wikipedia check. At one point he got in a fight with his own AI-generated script (it was almost if he was seeing the material for the fist time), and he didn’t invoke confidence as he droned on for three hours to a record low audience on his main YouTube channel.

Breaking below 100 viewers at times, DeCastro only recovered from the huge pile of steaming boredom he literally deposited on the ground behind him when he broke out a new series of anti-police videos to scream about.

Note this was not a YouTube/China shadow banning related low turnout at hand. He bored his diehards into not showing up. It’s a distinctly DeCastro skill.

By Friday, exhaustion set in and a puffy face DeCastro admitted that he spread himself a bit too far. He could barely keep his eyes open during his two-hour live stream. Mentally, he seemed checked out and even his fans were complaining about his lack of effort where he normally was more than willing to expound on his hate for the police.

While claiming that YouTube was going to delete his YouTube channels at any moment (which never came), he said he can either finish the board game, or audit cops, or do anti-cop videos. He can’t do all three at once. Then he ended his livestream, seemingly going offline to lie in his own misery until morning.

Constitutional Law Scholar has gone from “almost complete” and “preorders next week” (last week), to a never-ending delay while the burnt out DeCastro works on life.

He’s expected to livestream again on Sunday, February 2, 2025.

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