Humiliated DeCastro Removes DCW Production Accusations

In a video posted to his own YouTube channel Sunday night DCW Production responded to accusations made by Jose “Chille” DeCastro of stalking and doxing in a three-hour livestream held earlier on Sunday.

DCW Production started by thanking DeCastro for the “bizarre” day following DeCastro’s exposé that directly accused DCW of doxing and stalking the activist and YouTuber. He then reminded DeCastro that the address of the former furniture store that DeCastro uses as a studio/residence had been public for months now, by DeCastro’s own admission.

He also claimed that it was illegal to use a commercial building as a residence in California and said he may be reporting it to DeCastro’s landlord on Monday.

Addressing some of DeCastro’s claims, he mocked DeCastro for trying to tie the smiley faced emoji used as a Twitter/X account icon by user PunkBoy808 and his own use of a Funko Pop styled character on his YouTube account’s icon. He said he didn’t see the connection and posting different messages from different accounts who mocked DeCastro through super chats also did not prove that they were all the same person.

DCW denied sending “text messages” to DeCastro and also denied having any connection to the DCW Production website, whose address and phone number DeCastro doxed in his own livestream earlier in the night.

Addressing DeCastro’s claim to having hired an ex-private investigator to find his information, he questioned what exactly DeCastro had found as he would not confirm his current location. He said that DeCastro was not going to act on his threats of a lawsuit or going to police as DeCastro had no idea who he was or his actual information.

In a strange update, by midnight eastern time Sunday night, DeCastro had removed approximately 40 minutes of his earlier livestream where he made the accusations against DCW Production and doxed the address of the Georgia based DCW Production.

Posting on the ReallyCoolNewsWire Discord server, a user claiming to be DCW Production attributed the edits to the reports he sent to YouTube for harassment by DeCastro. He also added, “Well, today was a fun day, Chillie came at the big dog and ran away like the little bitch he is, editing out the part of the video with me and hiding with hi tail between his legs. Such a shame, i wanted to play with him some more and really fuck with his head. But we’ll see, maybe next Live will be all about me. I’m out, time for bed because i have a full time job i have to get to in the morning, unlike Chillie.”

The incident is just another one in a long history of wild accusations made without retraction by Jose “Chille” DeCastro. The most recent one came in early December when he accused Daniel Jones of the Welsh News Network of hacking his YouTube channel and airing three live streams that were filled with male-on-male pornography.

Jones, once one of DeCastro’s most ardent critics, had gone dormant in disgrace earlier in the year following allegations of stolen valor and defrauding charities. The culprit of the actual attack on DeCastro would later be revealed to be YouTuber Irish Demon. Demon would all but admit the attack on air during a livestream in November and later would allegedly privately admit to doing the hack to users of a Discord server associated with the Shizz Happens YouTube channel.

DeCastro has famously sued YouTuber Kate Peter of the “Masshole Troll Mafia” and others not once but twice based on the same sort of dubious claims.

Among those claims he accused Peter and her associates of conspiracies to steal his van, cancel his Airbnb reservations, harass his dog, track his location “like a great white shark,” and leave a bag of dog feces on the doorstep of an Airbnb he was staying at while smearing “Nutella” on the door handle of the same property.

Strangely, when ordered to show his proof of these actions in his most recent lawsuit, DeCastro has ignored the opportunity to do so. In his most recent filing, he claimed that his “hundreds of screenshots” of proof were lost and then regained when his computer malfunctioned last year.

DeCastro also failed to acknowledge his own doxing of his current location in the summer of 2024. When DeCastro initially rented his current studio/residence, he released videos and photos to his small group of YouTube followers.

One of those followers allegedly shared DeCastro’s photos and videos of the rental space with others who made them public. Through the released media, DeCastro’s address was easily obtained and has been publicly available.

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