DeCastro, Direct D Fall to Unknown Competitor

Direct D’s string of victories ended at one and Jose “Chille” DeCastro didn’t even make the scoreboard on Sunday as our own On-Going expenses fund took the day with a $25.00 donation.

Donations made directly to GoFundMes are what are counted in the race. We only have access to our own PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, etc., so it’s simply not fair to include donations there in the race as we don’t have access to what everyone else is earning per day for outside sources.

GoFundMe is public and you can pretty much track donations. Unlike other donation services, there’s not really a means to make fake donations or “offline donations” to pad the results. While I’m sure it CAN be done, seeing it done by people with reason to pad is pretty rare.

Plus, it’s also the industry standard. People know what it is, so when you say that Chille DeCastro has four GoFundMes and he’s STILL not pulling in any donations from his 618,000 subscribers, people know that it’s a red flag because he SHOULD be making money hand over fist.

We have a little under 600 subscribers, we have dedicated fans who don’t want us to fail (and one dedicated fan who just wants to torture us into writing this column every day), if we can attract people to contribute there’s no way on earth Chille or ANY of these people can’t do it.

Again, we harp, but the effort needs to be there if you’re going to run a campaign. Successful campaigns receive dedicated promotions. You can’t just put up a campaign and expect people to give you money on a regular basis. It’s all about busting your butt, getting your campaign out there and actually working for the money you want to bring in.

Unless, of course, you have a national news story to go with it, then all the rules are off. None of the people that we follow have had that, and the only one with any real word of mouth interest came with Chille DeCastro’s release from prison in July, with him raising nearly $4,500.00 in just a couple of days… but DeCastro, as DeCastro does, lost interest quickly in trying to make $100,000.00 because it was too much work.

Right now, especially Saturday for example, when he was exposed to nearly 90,000 viewers just a simple mention of one of his GoFundMes (let alone Press with Rancor’s GoFundMe – who has a sentencing hearing coming up and DeCastro still owes $20,000.00 to pay his attorney), would have done so much to propel his campaigns forward but… nope. Too much work. He’s not interested.

Neither, apparently, are Long Island Audit, Direct D, Denver Metro Audits, or any of the other auditors we have in the race lately. Drive by donations get occasional wins, but there’s nothing like an actual campaign to bring the win home on a consistent basis.

On that note, as we bust our butt here to bring you new content each day, we’d be remiss if we didn’t remind you that you can continue to continue to force me to keep writing this dreadful column each day, we do have a GoFundMe of our own ( All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on

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