DeCastro Calls for War on Police

Jose “Chille” DeCastro again called for a war against police on his Thursday night live stream.

DeCastro was reviewing a video involving a negative interaction between police and a member of the public when he blurted out, “I hope it escalates, I’m not going to start it. I hope it escalates; I hope we go to war against these pigs. I really do. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of pigs. I’m sick of it. I’m not going to start any wars, but I’d certainly watch one. That’s for sure. I certainly would love to see it happen and every one of you pigs would be mowed down; you wouldn’t have no chance. Zero. They keep abusing us.

The YouTuber had been slowly building up his rage during the three-hour live stream, after previously explaining to his chat that he had been awake for over thirty hours. The live stream initially featured an interview with YouTuber Dragonette but returned to DeCastro’s near nightly review of videos that feature what he claims to be police atrocities.

The YouTuber attempted to walk back his statements a few minutes later in the broadcast, claiming that he didn’t want anyone to die as they wouldn’t have a chance to show to their family, friends and work acquaintances “that they overcame being a piece of shit.” He then stated that it was the “end of the country” before launching into a pitch to sell his “indestructible” trifold to protect his viewers from the police.

DeCastro again tried walking back his statements as he ended the broadcast, “I was really pissed. I’m pissed. I need to go to sleep. I don’t hope we go to a war. I just was fired up. I don’t want to see anybody die. I don’t want to be a part of death. I don’t want that in my life. You know what I mean? Guys who go to war, and I’ve known a couple of them in my lifetime, a couple came from a small town. Guys who went to war and saw action they come back and they have a different look in their eyes. So I don’t want to see people die. I don’t. I just get pissed off. But the cops are lucky we don’t turn on them. I wouldn’t, because I don’t want to kill people (laughs). I don’t want to shoot people; I don’t even want to punch people. So, you know, I get mad sometimes, oh I got an ego. Okay, I’ll get the flock out of here. Thanks for coming, see you on the next one. Later gators.”

This is a developing story.

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