DeCastro Announces Independent Press Union

Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced that he was forming a new organization of independent journalists on his Monday night live stream.

Details remain sketchy at best as DeCastro refused to release the name of the organization until he has filed the paperwork establishing it. He also claimed that he would be releasing a website offering sign ups for independent journalists in August.

Briefly explaining the organization, DeCastro claimed it was a “union” and that members would be required to “pay dues” to the organization to support membership. He would then use the money gathered in order to send journalists around the country to cover news stories.

DeCastro claimed that Garrett “Press with Rancor” Van Nett’s case that is set for jury selection today would be an example of a news story the union would cover.

As an example of this, DeCastro explained that due to his current problem with raising funds, DeCastro could not afford to pay the $1,200.00 it would cost for a round-trip airline ticket to Michigan to attend the jury selection later today in the Rancor case. Having access to “Union funds” would allow him to assign a reporter to go in his place and give the reporter compensation for his or her time covering the story.

DeCastro then recruited an auditor named “Big Mike” from his chat to cover Rancor’s case and promised the auditor reimbursement for his fuel costs for the drive to court. He also implied that he would be filing for press access to give Big Mike the ability to record Rancor’s trial on Wednesday.

Jury selection for Press with Rancor’s trial is expected to begin at 8:00AM local time this morning with his trial beginning on Wednesday.

DeCastro is currently paying $48,000.00 to fund Rancor’s defense in the case.

The YouTuber also may be facing a major setback in his attempts to sue the State of Nevada for his wrongful detention in the Clark County Detention Center. Research by attorney Paul J. D’Arcy indicated that Nevada does have laws that allow those acquitted of crimes to seek restitution from the state for their incarceration.

D’Arcy apparently found that they only apply to felony convictions and have very limited maximum payouts for incarceration based on years of incarceration. DeCastro has maintained that he will be seeking a “seven figure settlement” from the state for the overturning of his two misdemeanor convictions for which he served approximately four months in the detention center.

This is a developing news story.

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