In a bizarre livestream aired on the WNN (formerly the Welsh News Network) YouTube channel, WNN owner and operator Daniel Jones issued a statement blaming fear of harassment by YouTuber Irish Demon as the reason why he took a “self-imposed exile” from YouTube and Discord since May of 2024.
Jones started the broadcast by stating that he wasn’t there to bad mouth his former co-hosts and immediately apologized for lying about his home address during the time he ran the then Welsh News Network.
He stated that he had issues trusting anyone and said that he should have trusted more people, but ultimately was glad that he did not as it prevented YouTuber Irish Demon from showing up at his actual house.
Demon, along with former WNN personality Shuggy, attempted to confront Jones at his home address last year but were unsuccessful at reaching Jones at the time. Jones, parroting previous claims, said that the house that the men arrived at was not his “home” but an address he spent a good amount of time at.
Jones had previously told his WNN co-hosts that the address was his brother’s house; a brother who would not look kindly on those who showed up to confront Jones.
The WNN owner then thanked a YouTube personality for confirming that the Facebook account using the name “Shirley Boland” was Irish Demon in disguise. Jones then blamed his “exile” on the actions of Irish Demon, showing multiple messages from Boland, including one supposedly sent to a loved one of Jones that read:
“ya he has 1 son and 1 daughter. I can’t stress enough that absolutely nobody is implicating (redacted) in any of this. just wanted toe reach out because we were concerned for her as this man is potentially dangerous. He has a history of aggression towards women according to other ex-girlfriends.”
Jones was unclear about what he would do about the account now that he had proof that it was owned by Irish Demon. After privately threatening to physically assault Demon on at least one occasion to his former co-hosts before the breakup of WNN, Jones portrayed himself as a victim of Demon’s manipulation and implied that he was in fear of Demon’s actions.
The YouTuber also claimed that the “brother” that Demon extensively interviewed in May was not in fact his brother. He said that he never lived with the man as “brothers” and did not consider him a brother.
Bizarrely, he claimed that his own fall of grace was done without a shred of evidence and said that his WNN co-hosts and the public were fully aware of his conviction for defrauding a food bank. He implied that he had told the truth to his colleagues and his listeners and that he had openly discussed the situation on multiple non-WNN livestreams.
While partially true, Jones omitted the added information that accompanied said “discussion” as he had always claimed that he was exonerated upon appeal of the conviction and that the police officers who brought charges against him were later punished for their actions.
Jones’ claims of falling from grace without evidence also failed to mention that on at least one occasion, Jones refused to reveal the name of the animal shelter he was raising funds for as he was “afraid” that the animal shelter would receive criticism from his enemies.
He also failed to address accusations of stolen valor and accusations of the misappropriation of funds collected in the name of a cancer victim. Jones also failed to address accusations that he catfished his listeners, friends and co-workers for nearly two years with stories of immense wealth, promises of employment, and his own employment by the British government.
Contrary to the statement by Jones that he has been in “exile”, Jones has been an active participant on livestreams run by former advisary Miss Mandy in recent months, taking part in reaction panels. When confronted with accusations against him during his participation on the panels, Jones has signed off of the panels without addressing the controversy.
Jones allowed feedback from his audience, after claiming he “could not see” the livestream’s side chat, through the StreamElements software, requiring a donation from his viewers to ask him a question during the brief broadcast. No one in the audience was acknowledged as using the service during the livestream.
The YouTuber ended the livestream by stating that he may return to livestreaming after his current “holiday.”
The WNN broadcast peaked at 39 live viewers and as been viewed 131 times as of press time.
Disclaimer: ReallyCoolNews and the Auditing Insanity newscast are owned and operated by Jim Finch, who was once a cast member of the Welsh News Network. ReallyCoolNews and Auditing Insanity have no current affiliation with WNN or Daniel Jones.
So let me get this one straight.
It was not Daniel being scumming and stealing people’s money. It was all Irish Demons fault.
Note the sarcasm.
But! Where does nudes of Jim fit in?
Oh wait, that was another story I just made up!
What? They get to make stuff up and expect the people to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stupid as to believe them, why can’t I do it?
And don’t block me again!
But on a serious note, If you ask me where I live and I say
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500
And someone says, hey that’s not your house. And I go, its none of your F’ing business where I live and what house I live in. And so If I lie, and you believe that I live in Washington, then the wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
If you get my meaning.
Daniel gets blasted for scamming money. Not for lying about where he lives or with who. You have a right to know the money goes to the place indicated. You never have a right to where someone lives. This is the internet, there are all sorts of creepy people, chilli, out there to avoid. They do not need to know you address, for any reason.
If only cause they might snail mail pics of nude Jim… once seen they can never be unseen…
I know, I know, how ever did i get out of the last block, its a gift I tell you!
LOL and there are no naked pictures of me. I’m pretty sure I’m imaginary now.