Craig Hendry Takes January Crowd Sourcing Title

In probably the worst kept secret in the world, we can officially announce that Craig Hendry’s To Support Craig’s Work fund won the crowd sourcing campaign title for the month of January in the year 2025.

As we said, there really isn’t a shock to this, a very late December audio jail plea from Hendry catapulted him into the top slot at the start of the month and kept him there for ten days before his campaign completely died for the rest of the month.

After taking in $1,410 over 10 days, not a cent was sent his way for the rest of the month as he went dark on social media, only offering the reruns of old audits and videos on his channel.

Second place went to our own ReallyCoolNews On-Going Expenses campaign, with a mix of a standard donation from our hate watcher and a few clutch donations from supporters to keep the column armed and dangerous for the rest of the month.

Unlike other months, there was a huge drop off in the data after this point where we fall all the way down to the $165.00 mark with a revised figure for SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes’ Support the Fight Against Tyranny and Corruption fund.

We say revised as yesterday’s figures were incorrect as they did not reflect a $25.00 donation back on the 30th, which now has been corrected. We apologize, yadda yadda, and the column will never die as long as human servant Jim is receiving lashes as punishment for his obvious crimes against humanity.

In fourth place comes Liberty Troll’s Support the Fight for our Constitutional Rights campaign with a $155.00 take.

In fifth place comes our first surprise, with BZWatchDog receiving $115.00 for his Help BZWatchDog Hold Police Accountable fund. This one is perhaps the sleeper of the month, as BZ suddenly started to promote it and with promotion comes donations, it’s that simple.

Sixth place goes to the Angry Vet’s Boost SCARS’ Mission for Veterans & Citizens GoFundMe campaign, with a $45.00 take for the month. This one survived multiple “outing” over the month, including Taco Terry’s exposé a week or so ago.

Neither it nor his GiveSendGo account reflect the thousands and thousands of contributions he’s supposedly pulling in for his haircut campaign. We’re still not sure where he’s taking money for THAT escapade.

Jumping into seventh place is the Unofficial Support DeleteLawz from the tyranny he fights! Fund, which actually took in $25.00 for the month. We’re still not sure why, as it’s not him. DeCastro is doing his own thing with money these days, which may or may not be legal.

Finally, in eighth and last place comes Lane Myers’ GiveSendGo Legal Defense Fund, which stands at negative $10.00 for the month.

Somewhere in the middle of the month, the fund dropped by $200.00. It wasn’t our sloppy record keeping this time, $200.00 vanished and he’s been trying to make up the difference since that point.

All in all, $2,470.00 was raised for January across the nine campaigns and we’ll see how things go as we approach the heart of winter.


Both’s daily newspaper and our daily newscasts are funded by your continuing donations and what we make from our YouTube AdSense revenue each month.

If you’d like to contribute to help us keep the lights on, eating, keeping the cats fed and writing new stories to feature on both the newspaper and newscast each day, we do have a GoFundMe set up at:

If you can’t afford to contribute, please WATCH THE ADVERTISEMENTS on our videos, like, share, subscribe and comment. You CAN help by doing next to nothing and we thank you in advance for pitching in!

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