It was another day of domination for Craig Hendry on Friday as his string of victories continued with a $260.00 take to bring his monthly total to $1,340.00 in just the first three days of the month.
Hendry’s reign was propelled by his weekly address early in the week, with his message of being a “political prisoner” resonating with his audience. As one observer noted, Hendry as “political prisoner” is making much more money than he was just another auditor.
While donations seem to be cooling late in the week, we expect continued victories for Henry’s fund into the first days of the week, followed by a good deal of days of goose eggs until his next audio address from prison.
Hendry is currently imprisoned after being found guilty of felony stalking and misdemeanor harassment charges in Vermillion County, Indiana. The YouTuber is facing three more sets of charges throughout the state of Indiana, with his next trial currently set for March for more felony charges out of Sullivan County.
It’s unclear if Hendry will make the $18,000.00 he needs to get the appeal on the docket by the time his current sentence is up, but at this rate, he’ll have a clear shot at raising the money he needs if he can keep the donations coming in.
While Hendry sat alone at the top of the GoFundMe charts on Friday, in distant second place came Liberty Troll, without much reasoning for the donation, with $75.00 donations for the day. Liberty Troll was then closely followed by The Angry Vet, with a $25.00 donation on Friday.
No other campaigns received donations for Friday.
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