YouTuber and self-proclaimed “political prisoner” Craig Hendry’s woes continued over the Thanksgiving break as he dealt with ramifications of Jose “Chille” DeCastro bungling his GoFundMe campaigns Tuesday night.
DeCastro went live Tuesday with a celebration of the return of his main YouTube channel after a two-day ban after it was taken down for a porn bombing. In that livestream, an apparently inebriated DeCastro bungled the URLs for Hendry’s GoFundMe, got confused when he discovered that Hendry had two GoFundMe campaigns, then promoted the wrong GoFundMe to his fans.
That “wrong” GoFundMe, Hendry’s “To Support Craig’s Work” campaign, took in $50.00 on Wednesday but went silent on Thursday as most fans were off for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
The new “Support Craig’s Fight Against Injustice” campaign has stagnated at $885.00, 6% of the $15,000.00 goal, since DeCastro errored in its promotion both Monday night on an appearance on John Filax’s show, and then Tuesday night in promoting it on his own livestream.
Hendry himself has been quiet since his statement last week denouncing his conviction of felony harassment charges in Vermillion County, Indiana. The “political prisoner” attacked the jury, the victims and the prosecution in the case before his mid-December sentencing, taking no responsibility for his actions and sticking to his claims of innocence.
His girlfriend, Erika Brown, who is organizing both GoFundMe campaigns, made similar claims earlier in the week on her own address on Hendry’s YouTube channel. She stated that Hendry’s attorney proved that Hendry violated no laws, but the corrupt judge, jury and system worked against her boyfriend to keep him in jail.
Hendry and Brown were cautioned by Attorney Patrick J. D’Arcy in his latest video, urging Hendry to listen to his attorney and stop making statements. Noting that the chances in Indiana for having a successful appeal is in the teens percentage wise, though it would be lower since Hendry was convicted of attacks on city workers, Hendry has been sabotaging his chances of appeal with these statements that can be used against him in court.
D’Arcy also looked at Hendry’s future. With a felony stalking conviction, Hendry’s conviction will be tough to overcome on job applications and finding work in the future. While short term it adds to Hendry’s credibility with his fans, in the end, the conviction will haunt him if he decides to return to normal means of work.
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