Captain Chad Gue Updates Recovery & Future Plans

Concerned fans of Captain Chad Gue of the Ironton, Ohio, Police Department got a much-needed update Monday night as Gue released a five-minute video updating his medical condition following a harrowing time over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Sporting an eye patch over his left eye Gue said that he was at work on November 24 when he started experiencing blurriness in his left eye. He initially wrote it off due to the fluorescent lighting at work but noticed it got worse as he attempted to take an online course provided by the Peace Officer’s Training Academy.

As his vision grew worse, he texted his wife that something was wrong then had a friend drive him to a local Emergency Room. He was then transferred to the Ohio State hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

Initially ruling out a stroke or an aneurysm, doctors have been perplexed by Gue’s condition with the current theory being that he had some sort of nerve issue in his left eye that could be caused by blood pressure issues.

Gue claimed that he has overall double vision as his eyes were unable to align with each other to focus on anything. He said he was wearing the eye patch over the left eye as he had basic vision with his right eye and was able to get around with his right eye.

However, Gue was not cleared to go back to work, and it’ll be some time before he returns to his normal duties as his impairment means he’ll be staying at home for the foreseeable future. He said he weas bored and tired as he was worried about his condition.

While doctors say that he should eventually regain full eyesight in both eyes, it is now a waiting period as he heals. He thanked his “wonderful support crew” for their help during this time and put stock in his faith to get him through.

Gue entered the public eye when he accepted Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s challenge to a cage match following DeCastro’s visit to Ironton, Ohio, in 2022. Later that year, DeCastro backed out of the match citing a knee injury and high blood pressure.

Since then, while Gue has remained relatively quiet online, DeCastro has been obsessed with the police officer. Famously threatening Gue in 2023 to resign from his job or face unspecified consequences from the stout YouTuber.

When the time limit DeCastro gave came and went without Gue’s resignation, DeCastro never mentioned his threat or the circumstances surrounding his threat again. Since then, DeCastro has relied on reports from former Ironton police officer Beth Rist to keep him up to date with goings on in the Ironton police force.

With Rist’s information usually proving to be invalid, DeCastro’s occasional attacks on Gue have become comical at best and easily dispelled. Rist’s recent report to DeCastro that Gue had a stroke last week was one of these, resulting in DeCastro both mocking Gue and offering concern for his recovery while putting out incorrect information about said recovery.

Gue promised to provide updates as his recovery progresses.


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Captain Chad Gue of the Ironton, Ohio, police department who was hospitalized over the past week with stroke-like symptoms and temporary blindness, released a statement to his YouTube community page late Friday night.

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