In the freezing month that has been February in the northern hemisphere, things have been dead both news wise and market wise as we turn our attention to the mid-month report and things are grim, at best.
It’s not really a surprise as all but the most desperate (BZWatchDog standing in 20 degree weather while Carolina in Fort Worth tries to get arrested by filming a bit too close to a Fort Worth police officer), staying the heck home to enjoy posting reruns for profit (Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova), going dark as madness takes over their world as they are about to fail on the biggest scale in their lives (Jose “Chille” DeCastro), or they screw around with lawsuits that no one cares about that might bring them in another $50,000.00 or $100,000.00 in “go away money” to keep they alive for the year (SeanPaul “Long Island Audit Reyes, Regan Benson).
For the year, Craig Hendry continues to dominate. His To Support Craig’s Work fund is overall in the lead for the combined month and a half that is 2025. That campaign took in $1,475.00 to lead the year so far and has taken in twice that of its closest competitor, our own Ongoing Expenses campaign, which sits at $665.00 for the month.
The monthly total tells a different story. The market was again dead for a fifth straight day. Two more days like this and we may be able to retire this column once and for all. Things are bleak for the month, especially in Hendry’s sphere of influence.
Hendry’s “Support Craig’s Fight Against Injustice” campaign is, simply put, dead. The campaign to get Hendry a lawyer for his appeal of his late 2024 conviction for felony stalking jumped all the way up to $885.00 in total donations through the work of Hendry and his team and then died.
The campaign itself hasn’t had a new donation in over three months and is hampered by the fact that Hendry quietly had a public defender assigned to his appeal and didn’t need the $15,000.00 he was seeking after all.
His fans have turned their attention to his “To Support Craig’s Work” fund, with Jose “Chille” DeCastro and others directing fans to support Hendry there. However, even that one has had problems as it’s only taken in $65.00 for the month to earn third place out of four campaigns that have seen donations for the month.
That’s right folks, only four campaigns have been active in February.
Fourth place goes to Lane Myers, whose Legal Defense campaign has taken in $5.00 for the month. His new $20.00 donation never posted to his account, and he’s sitting at negative $5.00 for the year.
First and second place are a tie between our own On-Going Expenses account and SeanPaul “Long Island Audits” Reyes’ Support the Fight Against Tyranny & Corruption campaign, both with $100.00 donations for the month.
Reyes, technically has more donations thrown his way, as ours was a single donation for the month, but both aren’t setting the world on fire as the world freezes around us all.
In two days’ time, we can walk away from all of this as the seven goose egg rule has been enacted, and it all will go away. But then what would we do with ourselves at 3 o’clock in the morning?
Ah, glorious days to come!
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