A new contender has entered the fray in the fight for the top of the crowd sourced fundraising market as unemployed former ride sharing driver BZ Watchdog jumped into the lead for Thursday’s crowd sourcing take.
It’s not much of a surprise here, BZ is disparate for money and has been holding near daily fundraising streams for a while now. Our human helper, Jim Finch, has even encouraged BZ to promote his GoFundMe campaign in the past, not out of admiration for BZ, but out of desperation of his own for something to write about in this column.
For whatever reason, it seemed to have worked. BZ placed in the top 5 for Wednesday and then took the title for Thursday. It’s not a huge victory for those who were hoping BZ and others get out of the first amendment auditing field, but a minor victory for our human helper who finally has something new to write about.
BZWatchdog is a Fort Worth based first amendment auditor most famous for livestreaming with passengers in the car while Ubering and talking to Michael Ehline on one of many broadcasts where Ehline substituted for DeCastro last year.
Most recently, he’s paired with Carolina in Fort Worth during her recent trial and brief incarceration. He was seen as the sane person on panels featuring Harvey Freebird and Manuel Mata. While he shares their views, he’s not as extreme as either man and can hold a conversation that doesn’t turn into a “the police are after us, back the blue until it happens to you” blah blah blah like most of the auditors in his area.
That said, there are times when he’s a full-on zealot for both Michael Ehline and Chille DeCastro. Your milage will vary with his livestreams.
Wednesday’s top three saw Liberty Troll take the top spot with a $35.00 take for the day. He was followed by the Angry Vet with a $20.00 donation and then BZWatchDog with $15.00 in new donations.
On Thursday, he jumped past everyone with $100.00 in new donations for the day, with $20.00 going to Craig Hendry’s to support Craig’s Work in second place and no other observed donations for the day for any of the accounts we follow.
Is BZ’s big win a fluke or is he here to dominate the market? We’re not sure at this point. It’s not like his live streams are setting the world on fire. He gets between 20 and 100 people in his streams at best, but this is the first time since Jose “Chille” DeCastro donated to his campaign last year that it’s seeing any play. So we’ll keep an eye on it moving forward.
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If you’d like to contribute to help us keep the lights on, eating, keeping the cats fed and writing new stories to feature on both the newspaper and newscast each day, we do have a GoFundMe set up at: https://gofund.me/76d87459
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