Auditing Insanity Newscast 01/03/25

Chille DeCastro wants to lead you to victory after Donald Trump destroys the country! Says he’ll use the mayor’s office when he’s running for governor to… something? Speaks for 4 and a half hours and no one cares! Glenn Cerio waddles the streets of Seattle, again! Insults police officers! Refuses to give family privacy as their deceased family member is taken away by the coroner’s office! Long Island Audit pays his fines in quarters and dimes! Oh, that sly dog! Plus: Who won December’s GoFundMe title? Hint: it wasn’t us! Boooo! All this and more on this edition of Auditing Insanity!

* DeCastro Bores Fans in First Stream of New Year

* Long Island Audit Pranks Police in Schenectady

* Glenn Cerio Intrudes on Grieving Seattle Family

* Liberty Troll Dominates GoFundMe for December

* New to You Music: Tiffany – I Think we’re Alone Now

* Nightly Newscast:

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It was a return to form for internet darling Glenn Ceiro who released a new video of himself forcing representatives of a Seattle based job placement service to leave a job fair after Cerio confronted them with allegations that their company was racist and overtly biased against him.

Tuesday saw a new filing in Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s attempt to revive his federal lawsuit against the city of Ironton, Ohio, in Nevada as he submitted his service of the defendants in the case with service dated March 4, 2025.

Jose “Chille” DeCastro puts DCW Production on blast! Says he’s a stalker! Says he’s going to have him arrested! Says he’s going to sue him! Says he’s – NOPE! Removes all accusations from livestream and shuts up by the morning hours! What happened to the self-proclaimed “troll slayer” after DCW denied the accusations? Long Island Audit frantically responds to court order! Says it was an “honest mistake” to air footage on his channel that he was never supposed to air! Says he can be trusted! Plus: Lane Myers gets a rare crowd sourcing win! All this and MORE on this edition of Auditing Insanity!

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