Hearing Today in DeCastro vs. Blue Bacon Lawsuit

Hours before Steven T. Gebelin, representing Jose “Chille” DeCastro, is set to square off against R. Paul Katrinak, representing Michael “Blue Bacon” Pierattini, in California Superior Court, the court itself released a multitude of documents related to the case Monday night.

Tuesday’s hearings in the case, where DeCastro is suing Pierattini, Kate Peter, Daniel Clement and Team Skeptic for harassment and defamation, are scheduled to cover Gebelin’s motion for reconsideration of a recent motion for sanctions and Katrinak’s motion for more financial sanctions against DeCastro.

DeCastro currently has been hit with sanctions owed to Pierattini and Katrinak of approximately $1,600.00 and $4,500.00 in separate rulings by Judge H. Jay Ford, III.

The mountain of new documents, provided to us by PDocs of https://thepublicdocuments.com/ please go over there and buy him a coffee as he spent over $100.00 on the documents, essentially concern today’s trial and next week’s motion for summary judgement hearing.

Gebelin argued that a summary judgment in favor of Pierattini is premature at this time as he has not had the opportunity to depose Pierattini nor finish gathering information needed to get up to speed on the trial.

He and DeCastro accuse Pierattini and Katrinak of taking advantage of DeCastro’s recent incarceration in Las Vegas in order to rush through sanctions hearings and the motion for summary judgement knowing that DeCastro was incarcerated and could not defend himself.

DeCastro only informed the Court of his incarceration through Gebelin last month. No notice was provided to the Court or the Katrinak before that time. While DeCastro had made statements on his YouTube page that he was in jail, and it was widely known that he was incarcerated by those that follow DeCastro, no official filings were made to officially inform the Court of DeCastro’s incarceration until recently.

Katrinak commented on this as he claimed that he officially was notified that DeCastro was incarcerated on June 28, 2024. He then reviewed DeCastro’s YouTube channel and found that DeCastro apparently had access to his e-mail as he had made numerous statements to his YouTube channel about his incarceration but never followed through to notify the Court or Katrinak of his change of status.

Gebelin is seeking either the denial of the motion for summary judgment next week or a two-month delay of that hearing so he can better prepare for it.

We will update this story with the outcome of today’s hearing as we receive it.

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