For those following the crowd sourcing market over the last couple of days, we’ve got good news and we’ve got bad news: the market came alive on Tuesday only to fall asleep on Wednesday again, letting the geese lay their eggs all over the market again.
Tuesday was indeed promising, with a whopping $115.00 taken in over two funds to take the day. SeanPaul “Long Island Audits” Reyes’ Support the Fight Against Tyranny & Corruption bringing in $75.00 to beat out Craig Hendry’s To Support Craig’s Work campaign’s $40.00 to take the day.
Things were incredible! Back to old form! And then Wednesday hit and… the market died again. This seems to be the new normal for the winter. While Reyes put out a series of new videos, there was no new real outrage to promote. Things are too cold and crappy weather wise to get out there and promote some new lawsuit or idea.
Reyes did have a setback in his lawsuit against The City of New York on Wednesday as his lead attorney in the case, Norma Esquivel of the LatinoJustice PRLDEF organization removed herself as his lead attorney as she’s resigned from the organization.
This comes at the same time the Judge in the case granted both sides the ability to move forward on some discovery as key parts of the case remain undecided in the appeals process.
For those who have lost touch, this is the same lawsuit over Reyes’ claims that all citizens have the right to record within police precincts in New York State due to the “Right to Record” laws passed after the death of George Floyd. He still alleges that there was no provision in the law allowing police to stop recording and currently Reyes is the only person in the city and state of New York with the ability to record in said precincts due to ruling by the court.
It’s unclear how Esquivel’s resignation will directly impact the ruling by Judge Jessica G.L. Clarke on Wednesday to move the case forward by granting both side’s ability to conduct limited paper discovery of the underlying incident and the handle the plaintiff’s second set of interrogatories and requests.
Clarke ordered the parties to submit a revised case management plan by April 11, 2025. No replacement has been named for Esquivel by the LatinoJustice PRLDEF organization at this time.
As far as Hendry, there’s been no new updates since we last reported on him. Last week, Jose “Chille” DeCastro floated the idea that Hendry was being mistreated while in jail serving out his felony stalking and misdemeanor harassment charges.
It’s been over a month since Hendry has used the jail’s phone system to address his fans, and both of his YouTube channels are on life support as his assistant regurgitates old content (and hairstyles) presented as new audits as they cycle through old content.
We’ll provide updates on both YouTubers as we receive them.
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