Kevin “The Angry Vet” Soper went live on Tuesday to announce immediate changes to his YouTube channel as he had removed all of his livestreams and made it clear he intended to put all new livestreams behind a paywall in order to prevent his enemies from using them without paying for them.
Soper said he may rename himself to “The Happy Vet” after pulling all of his videos and livestreams, claiming he did so because hew as putting aside the pettiness and would be removing any video that used name calling or disparaged other YouTube creators.
He also made it clear that he was no longer interested in letting “fake patriots” distribute his content without his permission or discuss his non-profit organization.
Directly addressing those worried about his loss of revenue, Soper scoffed and said that he made under $150.00 a month from YouTube and it was not his primary source of revenue.
Soper went further and denounced anyone who would setup a fake GoFundMe account on behalf of anyone else. He said that there were too many “garbage” people in the world who would use deception to make money off of others’ plight.
Addressing his operation “smoke out,” where he bad mouthed over a dozen YouTube creators to see what their reactions would be, he said he was pleased with the results. He said that he was able to purge his moderators of anyone with affiliations to people who would do him harm.
As of Wednesday morning, Soper had held true to his promise as the only livestream that remained was his announcement video. Strangely, all of his produced videos were still free content, including his much-awaited arrest video from an incident in Rock Hill, South Carolina, last year.
That video featured a highly edited account of what happened between Soper and police, featuring multiple jump and time cuts. The supposed attack on Soper was featured in he video as Soper fell to the ground while he was being apprehended. It was hardly the gang style beating Soper had advertised, and the production raised questions about the overall incident and Soper’s claims of extensive head injuries.
Soper also did not address his growing controversy over his dueling hair cut crowd sourcing campaigns. The Angry Vet is supposedly raising money to go towards cutting his hair and keeping it the same length but never made it clear where those who wanted to contribute should contribute.
His current GoFundMe campaign has seen no new donations since the start of the newest goal, likewise his GiveSendGo account has had one donation without a clearly established purpose.
If Soper livestreams again, we will not be covering it unless Soper revises his decision to make his livestreams members only.