Regan Benson Goes on Attack While Helping Friend Move

Thet altruistic side of YouTuber and Advocate for the homeless Regan Benson made a rare appearance Tuesday night as she helped a formerly homeless woman move into a slot in one of Denver’s micro communities.

Benson was all smiles as she announced that Jenn, who has been featured in multiple videos with Benson, was leaving an abusive situation with a former lover in order to move into her new housing.

That situation, which has been featured in previous videos, is that the man has a restraining order against t Jen. From time to time, he “changes his mind” and invites her to his property. Once she’s at the property he again “changes his mind” and reports her as violating the restraining order, resulting in her arrest.

The last time the man had her arrested, in Englewood, Colorado, police destroyed her property after thirty days of incarceration. Her complaint about the destruction of her property and the subsequent lack of a response from Englewood police resulted in Benson filming Jenn filing multiple follow-up complaints.

Benson described Englewood police as corrupt and said newly appointed Englewood Police Chief David Jackson was on his “final strike” with her for not giving her the proper respect. She then claimed she would no longer report the Englewood police to the Colorado State Attorney General as she’s deemed the Attorney General a political appointment who was in the hands of police and not worth her time.

Instead, she was going to focus on her new partnership with Movement 5280, a controversial homeless outreach program who has opened a center in Englewood. Benson said that while she has abandoned her own homeless outreach programs, she will be helping Movement 5280 capitalize on Englewood’s new budget for homeless outreach programs.

Benson also explained that those who said that she shouldn’t have an opinion about Englewood’s operations as she was a resident of Denver were wrong. She said that it didn’t matter that she didn’t reside in Englewood, her taxes as a resident of Denver, or “Rough and Ready” or wherever went to pay for services in Englewood.

She stated that Englewood did not exist in a vacuum and that she will be a participant in Englewood’s future, like it or not.

Benson is expected to make public comment at the Englewood’s City Council meeting on Monday, January 20, 2025.

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