Is the Angry Vet the Biggest Loser in Crowd Source Market?

The crowdsourcing market rallied on Saturday with several significant signs of life after a day of goose eggs when the gooses returned to scare away what little activity had remained for the weekend.

SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes took Saturday with a $50.00 donation, followed by our own ongoing expenses campaign with a $25.00 donation. Liberty Troll took in a $5.00 donation to round out Saturday and that was it for the weekend.

The geese stayed over from Sunday to Monday as no donations were observed for any of the campaigns that we cover for either day.

Strangely, with brewing controversy at the start of the week, Kevin “The Angry Vet” Soper’s recent announcement of dueling fundraising efforts in order to either support his hair cut or deny his hair cut in the name of his “non-profit organization.”

Soper is seeking to support twin campaigns, with the “winning” campaign determining what he does with his hair and all proceeds going to his “non-profit organization.” For every $1,000.00 donated to the “cut his hair” category, he’ll cut an inch of his hair off. For every $1,000.00 donated to the “don’t cut your hair” category, he won’t cut his hair.

The campaign began on January 12, 2025, and is scheduled to end on February 14, 2025, with a live “Donation Tally Day” event on his YouTube channel.

His new campaign has drawn criticism from both sides of the first amendment auditing community, with everyone from BZWatchDog to Frauditor Troll calling out Soper’s alleged fraudulent activities and casting doubt on the legitimacy of his new campaign.

It remains to be seen how much hair Soper will be force to cut at the end of his campaign, and, more importantly, how much money will actually go to the veterans he claims to support.


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