DeCastro Worried About Low TeamDLZ Signups

Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s might not have had the best launch, after being down for multiple days after DeCastro declared that it was “up and running,” as the YouTuber took his frustrations with the site to his audience on his Wednesday evening live stream.

DeCastro seemed upset about the limited number of subscribers to his site. Unlike his Patreon page, which also recently launched promising most everything the site does, does not offer a free membership tier or examples of what the different membership levels to the site would bring.

There’s literally no distinction between the membership levels or explanation of perks on the site. While “talking directly to” DeCastro is mentioned, there’s no examples of forums or areas where his members would go to communicate with DeCastro in the free area before visitors are requested to make a payment to go further into the site.

More troubling, there’s no cookie policy on the site. Users are offered no indication of what the site is tracking or what details the site collects during the sign-up process. The lack of a clear policy, when the site does use cookies, is a violation of the law in some countries.

Worse yet, DeCastro has indicated that will be a catch all site that will essentially replace YouTube, Discord forums, Patreon and other sites DeCastro is active on because it is the only site where he’ll have full assurances that the people he’s talking to are not catfishing him or using false identification.

It is unclear how DeCastro will verify this information or what else he will have access to from the extensive use of cookies on the site. DeCastro seemed more worried about the lack of users on the site than this policy as the live stream progressed.

DeCastro promised that he would be adding a $5.00 base level for users. He then went into a pitch for the site as a place where his fans could hear his uncensored thoughts about events in the world, including the new California mask mandate for some healthcare workers, which would previously be censored by YouTube.

The promised $5.00 membership base level was not available to users of as of press time.

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One Response

  1. Pay $5 or anything more to Chilly Willy so he can trigger “controversy” by suggesting things like the Moon landing never happened?

    Dude is such a low brow grifting con man.

    I am very satisfied Team DLZ is a flop and his cash is drying up, when this happens he tends to make self destructive choices which creates entertainment for non-believers.

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