Floyd Wallace in Trouble: The Girls Learn the Truth

The mystery of the reasoning behind the wiping of YouTuber Floyd Wallace’s YouTube page was revealed by Wallace on Tuesday as he said that three of the women he had been romantically involved with in Colombia had apparently found his YouTube channel.

In the now private video, Wallace revealed that he was no longer friends with the woman known as “the Studd,” who he said had previously agreed to be his driver for his next sex tour of the country, after she had discovered his YouTube page and apparently his extensive negative comments about her.

Wallace had previously savaged her appearance, saying that he would only feature “pretty” women on his channel in Colombia after his fans criticized her masculine appearance. On more recent videos, again now deleted, Wallace had defended “The Studd” as a nice person, and how he had enjoyed having intercourse with her along with her willingness to cook, clean and drive him around the country.

The two had a major fight at the end of his last trip to Colombia, after he had invited her to a tourist destination after another woman had canceled on him, and he was not comfortable with her spending time with her family in the area instead of him.

The two had a major fight on his last day in the country over her being late to their planned day at an attraction and she was not mentioned again until he solidified his current planned trip back to the country.

Wallace also indicated that two other women, including the woman he had said on multiple occasions he had intended to impregnate on this trip with or without her consent, also ended their friendships with the YouTuber.

While “The Studd” apparently has learned his real name, it is unclear if the other women have learned that he uses the alias “Terry Wilson” while traveling and if they now know his real identity.

In more news, Wallace said that now that his main fine from a Texas case was paid, he would be able to travel overseas immediately. However, his probation officer revealed that there was a second set of fines for probation that needed to be paid that he claimed he did not know about.

Wallace immediately began a fundraising campaign for the $360.00 he said he needed to pay his probation fees but warned that he was unable to pay the fees at once so he would be paying it in increments spaced out over the rest of his probation.

Addressing his upcoming blind plea dead in Oklahoma on November 12, 2024, he again stated that he was planning to fire his current lawyer then demand a jury trial to get a continuance in the case. With the demand, he figured he would have at least two months of unfettered travel time on his next sex tour to Colombia, despite his setbacks with the women he intended to romance.

Wallace immediately privatized the live stream after criticism of his latest fundraising campaign by his audience.

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