DeleteLawZ DeCastro Reopens Old Patreon

Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced on his Wednesday live stream that his YouTube channel had received a “copyright strike” for showing a police officer “hit someone in the head” which brought about a “content strike” which resulted in his reopening of his Patreon account where he wants to charge his viewers $10.00 to watch the uncensored content.

Anyone following that?

DeCastro’s channel is based on his use of other people’s content. He essentially provides commentary on someone else’s content and makes money selling his trifolds and 5A cop cards from the use of those videos. Essentially the same thing he sued Kate Peter and others for, but that’s digressing.

He is now taking that same commentary and reusing the content without permission on his Patreon account. But this time, it’s a minimum $10.00 monthly fee to access his videos, or a $10.00 per video surcharge if you are not a member. This pricing is per video and some of the content includes copies of his short videos from YouTube for the same price point.

Other membership levels featured start at $25.00 a month with “5A Cop Card Supporters” level, which apparently comes with two trifolds and two 5A Cop cards (if you send him an additional $11 shipping fee), “Team DLZ 4ever” at $100.00 a month which gets you 5 trifolds and 5 cop cards if you send the $11 shipping fee, and a $1,000.00 “Team DLZ Investor” level.

The final level is what DeCastro had mentioned as how he is “taking on investors” on his most recent livestream as it is described as, “Be an Investor in Constitutional Law Scholar (the game). Or, the new technology we have coming out. We have the spec and the engineering team in place. 1st Quarter of 2025, we build.”

DeCastro’s decision apparently comes as YouTube has been cracking down on police related videos even when violence or policy violations are not shown. From our experience since being monetized, our “Drunk Girl Theatre” and “All Star Panel” shows frequently get limited monetization from YouTube as we show police interacting with inebriated people, however, all but one has been deemed appropriate for monetization upon appeal.

While we understand how someone could be frustrated to the point where they’d leave the service, DeCastro already has memberships on his channel. His live streams still regularly see his fans give away 20+ memberships at a time. For all the money he’s taking in from gifted memberships and his regular membership fees, it might be too much to ask from his viewers to pay an additional $10.00 to $1,000.00 a month for the “uncensored” versions of the same content.

As of press time, DeCastro has two paying members to 25 overall members.

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