DeleteLawZ Too Fragile to Discuss Lawsuits

On his most recent live stream, Jose “Chille” DeCastro solemnly swore that he no longer has the emotional capacity to discuss his legal cases with others without becoming overwhelmed with emotions and negativity.

DeCastro was in the middle of a four-hour long live stream entitled, “BIG WIN, BIG LOSS WITH THE FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS LAWSUIT. LET’S TALK ABOUT IT CALMLY” when he made the statement and had just asked his fans to stop telling him the negative things others were saying about him online.

The YouTuber was upset about growing criticism of him online, admitting in the past that going after “trolls,” or even discussing “trolls” was a waste of time and money. He explained that he was suing “trolls” in a California court as punishment for things they said about him online but questioned the lawsuit as it was causing him to go further into debt.

Addressing rumors that there were “lifetime restraining orders” against him and detailing events that were detailed in at least one restraining order against him, the aging YouTuber, who appears to weigh over 260 pounds, claimed to be “220 pounds” and that if he had wanted to damage anything he would have been arrested for damaging it.

DeCastro held onto the mantra that he was the only truth teller as he returned to watching police videos. As he watched, the YouTuber seemed to become mentally strained by a 2016 case where a young girl in Maryland was involved in a car crash and ended up with charges for refusing to cooperate with law enforcement.

When his chat pressed him to call the police station involve in the arrest, an apparently dazed DeCastro said that it didn’t make any sense to call the station to complain “six years later.” He apparently did not appreciate as some chatters pointed out that the event happened in 2016, it is now 2024, and it’s been eight years since the events.

DeCastro spent part of the live stream focusing on his product line, announcing that he had a new batch of 2XL hoodies in stock and had limited quantities of other sizes. He reaffirmed his statement that he was sending those who purchased a hoodie a copy of his “indestructible” trifold and 5A cop cards with every order.

Pausing on the cop cards, which he explained cost him $7,000.00 to manufacture and who had previously complained about overstocks of the cards, said that he sends copies of the 5A cop cards with every order that isn’t for the 5A cop cards. He explained that it was more important for everyone to have the cards in their wallets rather than for him to make money off of them.

Addressing his attempts to become “more electable,” DeCastro, who had used the terms “pig,” “pig shack” and “piggies” for police and police related things throughout the live stream, mockingly said he was “cutting back” on the use of the “pig” monicker unless they “deserved it.”

He ended the live stream by calling Justice of the Peace Anne Zimmerman, who found him guilty earlier this year in a Nevada court, a “C U Next Tuesday” to the delight of his fans.

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