DeleteLawZ Reports from Accident Scene (AGAIN)

Friday night saw “DeleteLawZ” Jose “Chille” DeCastro walking the streets of Los Angeles again, hustling for footage of “coppers” at accident scenes while he trying to turn one man on to his idea of digital detainment and the elimination of handcuffs in most police activity.

Friday’s report saw the police arrive on the scene of a car crash and immediately began putting up police tape to block off the entire roadway. An officer told DeCastro that it was caused by a suspect fleeing in a car and crashing at the intersection. The suspect was also said to be in custody.

DeCastro made a brief pitch to the officer about digital detainment with his standard line about how police don’t need to put a man who beat his wife in handcuffs when they arrive at a domestic battery situation before the officer wandered off, showing no interest in DeCastro’s desire to change the system.

Left to his own devices, DeCastro began to watch as a police officer used a rolling distance measurer to calculate distances between items at the scene. The YouTuber invented a storyline where the officer was having problems “with his stick” and at one point broke into a fake Australian accent to narrate a story of the officer as a lost deer about to be pounced on by a predator.

DeCastro later adding that if he were to put a box of donuts down on the ground in front of him, the officers would all flock to him and say what a great guy he was. He then went into an extended conversation with himself that he had been eating a lot of donuts and compared his body to that of the officer who was using the measurer and claimed he was “just as fat” but had more body muscle than the officer.

The YouTuber then became obsessed with the way the man was walking. He brought up another recent obsession, men experiencing chafing from their pants. DeCastro explained that the tight polyester pants the officer was wearing was causing the officer great chafing and that DeCastro had experienced chafing in the past that caused him to walk “bowlegged.”

This is the third or fourth time that DeCastro has gone into the subject of chafing and being bowlegged in recent live streams. It seems to be a new obsession or problem DeCastro has been experiencing as his new format of walking the streets of L.A. late at night during the early Fall seems to have made it an issue he returns to on a regular basis.

With his advancing age and declining health and DeCastro plain weirdness during the stream brought concerns for his mental and physical health from observers. His refusal to go on camera during the stream had only compounded the concerns as he was acting weirder than normal.

At the end of the video, DeCastro made an on-camera pitch for his 5A Cop Cards and Trifold products, his ragged appearance and pinprick sized pupils provided all the answers most viewers needed as to the strangeness observed during the live.

DeCastro’s much-hyped has again failed to launch this week. He is expected to live stream again later this weekend.

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Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced on his Wednesday live stream that his YouTube channel had received a “copyright strike” for showing a police officer “hit someone in the head” which brought about a “content strike” which resulted in his reopening of his Patreon account where he wants to charge his viewers $10.00 to watch the uncensored content.

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On his most recent live stream, Jose “Chille” DeCastro solemnly swore that he no longer has the emotional capacity to discuss his legal cases with others without becoming overwhelmed with emotions and negativity.

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