Wallace Names Best Country for Male Gratification

Floyd Wallace recently live streamed comparing the “gratification” a man can receive between the United States, Brazil and Colombia and ultimately determined that Brazil was tops for male gratification in the year 2024.

Wallace was fundraising to pay off his fines for a recent conviction in Texas, stating that he was “almost done” paying the fine as $592.00 out of the nearly $800.00 fine was remaining and urging his fans to help pay the fine as the conditions of his deferment could be reduced from six months of probation to three months of probation if the fine was paid in full.

The YouTuber took super chats from his fans in order to respond to their questions with a minimum of $2.00 in super chat donations per question. The main subject of questioning concerned Wallace’s use of “pay4play” services while outside of the United States.

Wallace urged his fans to use protection if they were ever in a pay4play situation. He stated that he preferred to engage a play4play participant from behind and would never attempt to preform interactions involving mouth to mouth contact. Especially in Brazil, where he said he chances of receiving a transmittable outcome were greater than in Colombia or the United States.

This was a change of pace for Wallace, who had previously stated that he was not concerned about transmittable outcomes as all he had to do was take a shower to rid himself of unwanted concerns.

While gratification of a pleasurable nature was deemed risky for Wallace, he made his pick for Brazil over Colombia and the United States as pleasure services were more readily available, non pay4play women were more willing to interact, and the money system was easier to understand than in Colombia.

Wallace had previously detailed the downsides to living in Colombia and the United States in previous live streams, he added the only downside of Brazil was the higher price of living, greater taxes and tariffs on imported electronics.

All in all, promising that Brazil is his current choice as he was not finding satisfaction in the United States, and he looked forward to the immediate gratification he could find in the $20.00 range for pay4play he could find in the country.

Wallace did entertain a bit to cold approach at the University of Texas Austin Campus. He told a possible doner that he would need $500.00 to cover a hotel and travel fees associated with making the three-hour trip. He promised that he would ask for phone numbers along with Instagram information if he was paid his asking price.

No one had paid his fee as of press time.

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