Apathy Towards LIA Highlights Half Month

It’s officially mid-month so we’re going to take our standard look at the GoFundMe market for the first half of September, after noting that our own on-going expenses account took Saturday with a $60.00 take, beating out the second place Defend DMA in the fight against corruption & oath breakers, which saw a take of $25.00.

For the half month so far, let’s eliminate those funds that haven’t seen any action for the month:

Hendry to Support Craig’s Work

Support Press with Rancor’s Legal Fund

Chille DeCastro’s Legal Aid Fund, Donation Fund, Help People Fund

Chille DeCastro’s Legal Defense Fund Crime Scene Tape Illegal Arrest

Just to Spite Chille DeCastro

Support DeleteLawZ from the Tyranny he fights! (Unofficial)

Help For Public Safety Fight Fraud “Recovered”

Long Island Audit’s Unlawful Arrest & Constitutional Rights

Long Island Audit’s Support the Fight Against Unlawful Arrest

Long Island Audit’s Fund Legal Defense Against Unlawful Arrest

Long Island Audit’s Help with Criminal Defense Attorney for this Case

Long Island Audit’s Help LIA with Legal Fees to Fight Tyrant’s Lawsuit

Long Island Audit’s Help with Billboard Truck Purchase to EXPOSE Tyranny

Help BZWatchDog Hold Police Accountable

Floyd Wallace Thailand or Philippines Tour

Bring Back Auditing America

Too Apree Help Keep Butterfly Boy Afloat

A significant take away from the goose egg list is the complete lack of donations to Press with Rancor’s defense fund. Despite Jose “Chille” DeCastro owing over $20,000.00 on the fund (if he’s decided to honor the debt), there’s been no movement or promotion of his friend’s campaign. Leaving those to wonder exactly what he’s going to do to make up for the money that he owes.

Otherwise, the list isn’t too surprising except for the total collapse of Long Island Audit, which has seen no donations whatsoever to any of his campaigns for the month. His Support the Fight Against Tyranny and Help with Billboard Truck campaigns are usually his biggest performers and their goose eggs are noticeable.

Chille DeCastro is doing better, with two of his campaigns – Justice for All Legal Battle and Lawyer Fund Only – earning $20.00 each for the half month. Which kind of spoils our next section, the list of what actually earned anything for the half month.

Help Christopher (Direct D) Ruff clear his name comes in at number five with a $15.00 take for the half month.

Number four is a tie between Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s Justice for All Legal Battle and Lawyer Fund Only funds with $20.00 takes each.

Number three is a $125.00 take for the Defend DMA in the fight against corruption & oath breakers.

Number two is the surprise entry of Blue Bacon’s Cover Defense Costs Against a Frivolous Lawsuit fund, with a $125.00 take.

At number one is our own ongoing expenses fund with a $240.00 take for the month.

We’ll update this list at the end of the month to see if any of the goose egg funds rebound.

On that note, if you’d like to assure that our fund continues to outperform all the bigger, more popular, less smelly, more datable and less awkward funds, we’d be remiss if we didn’t remind you that you can continue to force the dread writer Jim Finch to keep writing this dreadful column each day by contributing to the GoFundMe run by this very channel (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org.

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YouTuber Floyd Wallace went live for the third consecutive day on Wednesday, sharing his feelings on American woman and making a plea for his viewers to pay his penalties for a Texas conviction so he can return to his life of sex tourism.

A lot has been made about Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s claim on Wednesday that “they” killed his channel and that he had no chance but to start a new channel; the announcement itself had no impact on the market at all with our own on-going expenses fund winning the day with a $10.00 take and absolutely nothing going to DeCastro’s coffers.

In another example of the decline of his channel, SeanPaul “Long Island Audits” Reyes released an edited video with the premise that he was going to “confront” Union City, New Jersey, Mayor Brian P. Stack, but instead turned the bulk of the “confrontation” over to Leonard “Leroy Truth” Filipowski.

Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced on his Tuesday afternoon live stream that he had “won” over the Las Vegas Metro Police Department in his lawsuit and will be “going above” the current judge and taking the case to the circuit court before asking his chat to brigade the judge in the case for “lying” about him in a recent ruling.

One Response

  1. Is this the end of Frauditing? More and more taking charges. More and more going to jail. It seems this particular grift is on the wane. But more importantly, the grift is just not sliding in the money as it used to. The cash for crime network has slowed to a trickle and the only way to get serious cash is break the law so often that eventually they end up in jail.

    A few years ago Sovereign citizens were all the rage. They took the legal world by storm! Judges and cops did not know what or who they were dealing with. Well today? It is old hat. Cops have trainings on them, judges have conferences on how to handle them in court. So they make no headway and in fact tend to sink their own cases as they go. Just like law scholar chilli, slam him into jail and look he came out a changed man. No longer willing to put his pink behind in the shower, he stands respectfully away. His fire and brimstone act is nowhere near the street level cop. He keeps that for the studio. In other words, he got the message. Jame Freeman? Where is he after his arrests? In studio.
    Simply put, the community is either in jail, in studio or not taking the chances they used to. Police are patient so long as they stay on their side of the line but once they cross over, the cops are quick to slap jewelry on and take them for a ride.

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