DeCastro Audits Roadside Incident

Live streaming from an undisclosed location Sunday night, Jose “Chille” DeCastro stood on the opposite side of the street from a traffic stop, simultaneously promoting his 5A cop card product and failing to follow it at the same time.

DeCastro said he was driving down a road when he came across a scene with two police cars involved in a stop of a dark SUV. Two officers were questioning a black man on the side of the road.

He said he pulled around and parked across the street in front of a gated community and provided commentary as he claimed the man said that he had a warrant that the officers were checking on. Eventually, the officers had the man fill out a roadside statement while the man’s father came over and told DeCastro that the man had been fighting with his brother.

While waiting for activity, DeCastro chastised his side chat for discussing politics. Despite sarcastically endorsing Donald Trump last week, DeCastro said that neither Trump nor Kamala Harris would get his vote as he was voting third party. He called Robert Kennedy a “sell out” for endorsing Trump and would not be backing his former candidate’s decision.

One of the two police cars eventually went into the gated community and DeCastro over heard the officer describing DeCastro as a first amendment auditor to the person who answered the intercom at the gate. DeCastro then said he planned on using his 5A cop card to invoke his first amendment rights as press then his fifth amendment right to remain silent should the officer ask him questions.

Strangely, DeCastro then crossed the street to engage with the officer who was waiting on someone to arrive to take the SUV from the man involved in the stop. DeCastro engaged the officer, who ignored him, asking questions and eventually following the officer’s orders to stand back from the windows of his car.

DeCastro at one point randomly commenting to himself how easy it would be to kill the officer due to the man’s ease at DeCastro’s presence.

Eventually, a second man came and the took the SUV into the residential community with the police officers following closely. DeCastro, now alone at the scene, would do one more plug for his products before ending the live stream.

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