Benson Fights Heat, Homeless and Police in Englewood

Regan Benson verbally trashed a homeless man she had previously offered help to audience on her Saturday YouTube live stream after the homeless man would not agree with her thoughts on policing.

Benson was in Englewood, Colorado, monitoring the police and handing out water bottles to individuals as the heat had approached 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the area. Her live stream came as she was taking a break from the heat in the shade and wanted to catch her audience up on events in Englewood.

The YouTuber claimed that a man had been tazed in Englewood in an event covered by fellow YouTuber Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova earlier in the week and that a second homeless man was attacked by police while recording the incident.

Benson claimed that she attempted to help the second man with police but faced a fundamental disagreement with the man over his treatment by police. While Benson claimed that the man was illegally physically assaulted by police for filming, the man disagreed with her, saying that it was their job to clear the area.

After an argument between the two, Benson claims that the man then began to spread rumors that she was a police officer within the homeless community in Denver. She further claimed that the homeless man had ties to the librarians who were involved in her on-going harassment charges in Englewood and the Englewood police department.

Benson made the statement that her services were not regulated by the government and as a private establishment she could pick and choose who she would help. Because of that, she announced the ban on the man from all of her services and help effective immediately.

She went on to announce that Englewood police had been involved in three incidents where they hospitalized members of the homeless community in the past week and that they while she is in fear of the police, she is obligated to “put her life in danger” to monitor police in Englewood going forward.

Benson promised that she would be making an extended statement at the Englewood City Council meeting to remind the Council that she just won a $130,000.00 settlement from Denver and would be seeking the same kind of settlement from the city should they not bend to her will on policing issues.

Finally, Benson ended the address early as she was about to watch a debate scheduled on Denver Metro Audits’ channel, she was also scheduled to help a mother from out of state search for her homeless son in Denver later that day.

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