GoFundMe: DeCastro Loses Again

Our own on-going expenses campaign took Friday, again, yay? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do like having money for food and I do like paying bills and I love our supporters for keeping me chained to a desk every day, but WHAT THE HELL?

We’re in this weird tracking pool of THE GREATEST INDEPENDENT JOURNALISTS TO EVERY LIVE (or something), and we’re the only crowd sourcing fund associated with ANY of them to make any money? I mean, seriously, there’s something wrong here.

Before we start, if there’s a crowd source campaign you’d like us to cover, please send it via e-mail to jamesknine@gmail.com. Don’t send it in YouTube comments because we’ll never see it. We have over 400 videos live at this point (WE HAVE OVER 400 PUBLISHED VIDEOS – DOES THAT MAKE US A JOURNALISM?), and I’ll literally never find your comment.

We’re also a tiny channel with under 600 subscribers, we average about 15-30 people to our lives (100 or so post live views), and the other day someone said one of our videos “bombed” because we only had 1900 total views. No, no, my dude, 1900 views for this channel? We’re ESTATIC, we’re THROUGH THE ROOF, we’re happier than the fans of PANTS when we exploit his super smooth radio voice for clicks and views!

There’s also been a couple of people questioning our figures, or not, as they seem to be outraged at any number even if we say the number. So, we’re going to cater to those people in the following list of the funds we’re tracking.

YouTube folks, please click through to the article to see direct URL links to each of the campaigns.

Fund Name

Last Donation

Current Total (8/17/24 4:30AM ET)


Defend DMA in the fight against corruption & oath breakers!

1 month



Hendry To Support Craig’s Work

13 days



Support Press With Rancor’s legal fund

15 days



Help Christopher Ruff (Direct D) Clear His Name!

1 month



DeCastro Justice for All Legal Battle for Accountability

23 days




18 days



DeCastro Legal Aid Fund, Donation Fund, Help People Fund

29 days



DeCastro Legal Defense Fund Crime Scene Tape Illegal Arrest

14 days



Just to spite Chille DeCastro




DeCastro Support DeleteLawz from the tyranny he fights! (Unofficial)

29 days



Help For Public Safety fight Fraud “RECOVERED”

2 months



LIA Unlawful Arrest & Constitutional Rights

2 months



LIA Support The Fight Against Tyranny & Corruption!

6 days



LIA Fund Legal Defense Against Unlawful Arrest

1 month



LIA Help With Criminal Defense Attorney For This Case

7 months



LIA Help LIA With Legal Fees To Fight Tyrant’s Lawsuit

4 months



LIA Help with Billboard Truck Purchase to EXPOSE Tyranny

18 days



Blue Bacon Cover Defense Costs Against a Frivolous Lawsuit

3 months



Help BZWatchDog Hold Police Accountable

13 days



Floyd Wallace Thailand or Philippines Tour

7 Months



Bring Back Auditing America




ReallyCoolSite Ongoing Expenses

12 Hours




Please remember that our YouTube uploads come about 14 hours after we write each column for the day, so the numbers may have changed by the time you’re seeing them.

But there you have it, you now have the links and the means to see what we’re seeing each day and, if you really want to, you can donate to each fund to stop us from doing the victory belly rub each morning.

On that note, if you’d like to join the growing group of people who believe this timeline is broken and have to turn back time until CYNDI LAUPER ruled the Earth and to force me to keep writing this column each day, we do have a GoFundMe of our own (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org AND FIXING THE BROKEN TIMELINE.

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YouTuber Floyd Wallace went live for the third consecutive day on Wednesday, sharing his feelings on American woman and making a plea for his viewers to pay his penalties for a Texas conviction so he can return to his life of sex tourism.

A lot has been made about Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s claim on Wednesday that “they” killed his channel and that he had no chance but to start a new channel; the announcement itself had no impact on the market at all with our own on-going expenses fund winning the day with a $10.00 take and absolutely nothing going to DeCastro’s coffers.

In another example of the decline of his channel, SeanPaul “Long Island Audits” Reyes released an edited video with the premise that he was going to “confront” Union City, New Jersey, Mayor Brian P. Stack, but instead turned the bulk of the “confrontation” over to Leonard “Leroy Truth” Filipowski.

Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced on his Tuesday afternoon live stream that he had “won” over the Las Vegas Metro Police Department in his lawsuit and will be “going above” the current judge and taking the case to the circuit court before asking his chat to brigade the judge in the case for “lying” about him in a recent ruling.

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