GoFundMe: Responding to a Call Out

It was another two days of wins for our on-going expenses fund as we had a $27.00 take on Wednesday and a $20.00 take on Thursday to put our total at $2,930.00 in total for the fund, otherwise, it’s been rinse and repeat: no auditors took in anything yet again for two days.

There’s no life out there, and no reason for life out there as no one went out of their way to promote their crowd sourcing campaigns on Wednesday and frankly, it’s not going to change anytime soon.

The only person who actually needs the money, other than us since we use our campaign to eat and pay bills, is Jose “Chille” DeCastro and he apparently has decided to prank call police departments and focus on his lawsuits than running campaigns to make money.

We did receive a note from a YouTuber on Wednesday who called our coverage of an unspecified GoFundMe campaign:


21 hours ago

I ran the gofundme account and he raised over 25K  stop bootlicking and try truth for a change

We responded by asking them for proof of their claims and *what GoFundMe campaign they were talking about* but no response as of Friday morning.

Just for the record, every morning, we bring up a chrome browser full of tabs featuring all of the GoFundMe campaigns you see in the above charts. We make sure each one is refreshed and reflect what’s available to the public to see about each campaign.

We then update an XLS spreadsheet with the latest data that started on April 26, 2024. While we don’t have data for every campaign dating back that far as some didn’t exist and some we didn’t decide to track until much later, we do have a good amount of data and tracking for all of the campaigns.

Since the comment was made on a video about Jose “Chille” DeCastro, the only public campaign by DeCastro to surpass $25,000.00 was his “Legal Aid Fund, Donation Fund, Help People Fund,” which has brought in a total of $27,015.00.

The second closest is his “LAWYER FUND ONLY – ALL DOLLARS GO TO LAWYERS” fund, which stands at $20,932.00. Nothing else is close, including the one for Press with Rancor, and most haven’t had new donations in quite some time.

So the ball is in your court, @quackednomy2246, if you have proof that our data is wrong, please e-mail the corrections to jamesknine@gmail.com. I have what’s out in public, if you have evidence to share to back your claims, please come forward with that data.

If you don’t want it going public (despite your public claims), I’ll honor that request, but if we’re wrong, show us proof.

On that note, if you’d like to send us back to remedial school for typing and hygiene and to force me to keep writing this column each day, we do have a GoFundMe of our own (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org.

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