DeCastro: Don’t Dream, It’s Over

Yesterday’s gathering of “independent journalists” in New Jersey without the presence of self-appointed leader Jose “Chille” DeCastro pretty much ended any hope of his strange idea of “unionizing” the former first amendment auditors into any sort of “union” under his direct control.

He’s allegedly wanted control of the movement, which formerly focused on first amendment auditing, for years now. A document attributed to DeCastro, but later claimed to be fake, demanding fees from the other individuals in the community for use of his videos and to accept him as a leader was the first sign of things to come in the winter of 2023.

Yes, he denied it when it was leaked, along with an organization that he promoted of auditors grouped under his command, but you know, it never happened as like with everything DeCastro touches, it’ll take years to go from “brilliant idea” to being birthed into the world.

His current idea of “unionizing” the former first amendment auditors came after he was released from jail a few weeks back. The added dues part was what stood out to me, as in he wants to find a way to monetize the work of others in support of, well, Chille DeCastro!

The other “independent journalists” would pay him to report, and he might, just maybe, give them money to help them with travel costs or with lawyers should they poop the bed and an “investigation” go wrong.


So with DeCastro’s “union” there’d be a “code of conduct” set solely by DeCastro to follow while working on “stories” and those that violated that code of conduct would have to forfeit their dues and leave the organization for the good of the organization.

Much like digital detainment would work as everyone in the world would agree that they wouldn’t run or fight or object to arrest, the honor system would work as all the former auditors would just unite under his leadership and everyone would tow the line!

Ah, sweet, innocent, Chille, there’s not a chance in hell of that ever happening.

Last week DeCastro proposed some of those guidelines to his audience on his Thursday night live stream. The reaction to “being nice to the police,” “cooperating with their lawful commands” and “being respectful because the judge is watching” was enough to cause his normal supporters to drop into deep depressions or fits of laughter because, Mr. Anarchy, Mr. Jack Boot Thug Pigs couldn’t be serious!

With the revelation that his fans HATED THE MESSAGE he took a few days off, like he normally does and apparently test marketed it to his friend and family and was aghast, yest AH-GAST that his friends and family didn’t hate the police enough to CARE.

Now imagine the auditors, err, “independent journalists” under his command.

Yesterday, a mob gathered in New Jersey. It was between two dozen and three dozen “independent journalists” coming together to support Leonard “Leroy Truth” Filipowski. Leroy Truth is someone they LIKE.

But Leroy Truth bored them. Before he could get them assembled, at least 20 were running down the halls of the Union City, New Jersey, city hall like the batch of gremlins in the classic movie, ‘Gremlins 2.’

One got himself arrested, the rest of them were hurling slurs at the officers, some were whining, others crying and at least one was testing every officer’s threshold to arrest by being especially obnoxious and screaming that they were thugs.

When Leroy Truth finally got enough of them reassembled to do his “press conference,” enough of  them waddled off from Leroy Truth’s meandering speech that their footage became more interesting than anything else going on at that moment in time. They were more entertaining than anything from the “official” channel and “official” speech of “the movement” and not even SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes, the true leader of all of the former auditors, could get them back under control.

If DeCastro wasn’t invited to or declined to go to the event, he has no hope of leading the same individuals in any sort of “union” is doomed to failure.

DeCastro is no leader. Josh Abrams, James Freeman, or even LIA would roll their eyes at his “leadership” and without them, there’s no movement. Like it or not, DeCastro has never demonstrated the ability to lead, and they will eat him alive when he tries.

Our advice from here would be to admit that the “union” is a simple cash grab, stop selling the 5A Cop Cards and come out of a line of “universal” Press Cards. Sell the idea of a simple card being recognized by all the police officers in the world as granting the bearer special powers beyond that of mortal men.

A card that lets them do ANYTHING in the name of JOURNALISM, a card that says you’ll fight for them in court if they’re in trouble and comes with a $20.00 low low low monthly fee for the right to CALL YOURSELF A JOURNALIST?

Oh god, I’ve just created a monster.

Don’t dream, it’s over Chille, the union won’t work, but the CHILLE DECASTRO UNIVERSAL PRESS PASS – I get 50%, and not the phony baloney deal you offered Collin Campbell, cash on the dollar with every sale or I’m out!

Act now, your future is waiting!

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A lot has been made about Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s claim on Wednesday that “they” killed his channel and that he had no chance but to start a new channel; the announcement itself had no impact on the market at all with our own on-going expenses fund winning the day with a $10.00 take and absolutely nothing going to DeCastro’s coffers.

Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced on his Tuesday afternoon live stream that he had “won” over the Las Vegas Metro Police Department in his lawsuit and will be “going above” the current judge and taking the case to the circuit court before asking his chat to brigade the judge in the case for “lying” about him in a recent ruling.

Jose “Chille” DeCastro made the stunning announcement on his YouTube channel Monday night that his hugely popular Instagram account had been deleted by the service for violating their guidelines by posting anti-police videos.

Five Dollars. That’s it. Five Dollars to Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova by a single donor gave him the GoFundMe win for Sunday to give him an overall win for the Friday-Sunday period with an outstanding win.

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